The Left just denies that he has said anything positive about it. None of their people ever actually listen to him so they believe it. This is what cancelling accomplishes.
None of them listen in general, which is why when you present them with evidence of him saying anything they'd actually want him to say, they always move the goalposts, "well, he didn't go far enough."
Trump disavows David Duke and the Klan on multiple occasions, "he didn't denounce them, though."
Trump doesn't visit the troops on christmas, he "snubbed" them.
Trump makes a surprise visit to the troops on that same christmas while the media was harranging him for not doing so, he's "risking national security."
I mean If they just came out and said, "I don't like Donald Trump, and I think he's an asshole," I could respect that. Hell, I'd laugh and agree on the asshole part.
But they can't admit that the only reason they don't like the most (overtly) moderate Republican President of most of our lifetimes is because he's a prick. That would mean admitting to being petty fuckwads for the last four years...
The Left just denies that he has said anything positive about it. None of their people ever actually listen to him so they believe it. This is what cancelling accomplishes.
None of them listen in general, which is why when you present them with evidence of him saying anything they'd actually want him to say, they always move the goalposts, "well, he didn't go far enough."
Trump disavows David Duke and the Klan on multiple occasions, "he didn't denounce them, though."
Trump doesn't visit the troops on christmas, he "snubbed" them.
Trump makes a surprise visit to the troops on that same christmas while the media was harranging him for not doing so, he's "risking national security."
I mean If they just came out and said, "I don't like Donald Trump, and I think he's an asshole," I could respect that. Hell, I'd laugh and agree on the asshole part.
But they can't admit that the only reason they don't like the most (overtly) moderate Republican President of most of our lifetimes is because he's a prick. That would mean admitting to being petty fuckwads for the last four years...