That too, but my biggest concern is that this gives doctors the keys to the cabinet - they can decide to refuse you a prescription for the glucosamine chondroitin so many people take for their joint pain - I take it too. I think the brand name is Osteo BiFlex, currently you can get it at any drug or grocery store. LOTS of people take that. This would eliminate your choice and require that a doctor decide whether or not you should be able to take it.
That too, but my biggest concern is that this gives doctors the keys to the cabinet - they can decide to refuse you a prescription for the glucosamine chondroitin so many people take for their joint pain - I take it too. I think the brand name is Osteo BiFlex, currently you can get it at any drug or grocery store. LOTS of people take that. This would eliminate your choice and require that a doctor decide whether or not you should be able to take it.
It would also hurt the company that makes it, lots of people that try it and those that use it routinely might not get it. Big profit loss for them.