They already are and many of them are here on this forum. I'll explain by taking a portion of a prior statement that I made on a different post:
"I'm concerned. Why? Because we think we can have our cake and eat it too. We think that America will be restored without a nation coming to repentance but that will never happen no matter how many armed patriots swear to pull a trigger.
Sin is the problem and only repentance is the solution but I don't see that happening. God is making the decisions here not Trump or Q and turning to Him is the prerequisite for restoration. God is over all of this, no matter how much men falsely believe that they're in control.
Trump and Q talk about God and even speak the name of Jesus but that's not enough. In my opinion, America and democracy as we know them are over and not for the better. God has removed the hedge of protection over America. Why?
Here are just a few reasons:
Violence (unjust gain).
The tolerance of LGBTQ and Feminism.
Not holding corrupt leaders accountable.
The spreading of the false gospel all over the world.
Using "grace" as an excuse for lawlessness.
All kingdoms come to an end, including ours. We are the feet of iron and clay spoken of in the Scriptures. One represents the right and the other the left.
Now is the time for the ushering in of the kingdom of God and most of us won't make it there for the reasons above. God will not tolerate a wicked people any longer. It's judgment day, folks, and no amount of patriotism will save us. Only the Lord can but we're not meeting His requirements."
I'm not trying to be rude here but the name of Christ has been known to most in this nation and rejected. Spreading the Gospel, whether true or false, isn't to much effect. Even those who have been indoctrinated since childhood prefer to eschew the truths of God for the allure of the world when they reach independence.
The sin of this nation needed to be destroyed at the first signs of roots developing but those before us failed to act. Even with the knowledge we have now, we refuse to act APPROPRIATELY. Instead, we're sitting back and placing our faith in men to fix it for us.
It's judgment day, folks, and no amount of patriotism will save us. Only the Lord can but we're not meeting His requirements.
Speak for yourself. Im not buying this black pilled Christian bullshit.
I swear, its like a bunch of anons on this forum started dooming all at once lately.
In the end, you either trust the plan, or you don't. With all that I see going on behind the scenes, I trust it. I have faith in God, I have faith in Trump, and I have faith in Q. I'm watching for the next move.
They already are and many of them are here on this forum. I'll explain by taking a portion of a prior statement that I made on a different post:
"I'm concerned. Why? Because we think we can have our cake and eat it too. We think that America will be restored without a nation coming to repentance but that will never happen no matter how many armed patriots swear to pull a trigger.
Sin is the problem and only repentance is the solution but I don't see that happening. God is making the decisions here not Trump or Q and turning to Him is the prerequisite for restoration. God is over all of this, no matter how much men falsely believe that they're in control.
Trump and Q talk about God and even speak the name of Jesus but that's not enough. In my opinion, America and democracy as we know them are over and not for the better. God has removed the hedge of protection over America. Why?
Here are just a few reasons:
Violence (unjust gain).
The tolerance of LGBTQ and Feminism.
Not holding corrupt leaders accountable.
The spreading of the false gospel all over the world.
Using "grace" as an excuse for lawlessness.
All kingdoms come to an end, including ours. We are the feet of iron and clay spoken of in the Scriptures. One represents the right and the other the left.
Now is the time for the ushering in of the kingdom of God and most of us won't make it there for the reasons above. God will not tolerate a wicked people any longer. It's judgment day, folks, and no amount of patriotism will save us. Only the Lord can but we're not meeting His requirements."
We need a lot of work! Pray and get out and spread the GOSPEL that seems to help!
God has already made up His mind, friend.
I'm not trying to be rude here but the name of Christ has been known to most in this nation and rejected. Spreading the Gospel, whether true or false, isn't to much effect. Even those who have been indoctrinated since childhood prefer to eschew the truths of God for the allure of the world when they reach independence.
The sin of this nation needed to be destroyed at the first signs of roots developing but those before us failed to act. Even with the knowledge we have now, we refuse to act APPROPRIATELY. Instead, we're sitting back and placing our faith in men to fix it for us.
We need to plant! Regardless!
Speak for yourself. Im not buying this black pilled Christian bullshit.
I swear, its like a bunch of anons on this forum started dooming all at once lately.
In the end, you either trust the plan, or you don't. With all that I see going on behind the scenes, I trust it. I have faith in God, I have faith in Trump, and I have faith in Q. I'm watching for the next move.
You don't have to buy it. Watch and learn. Nobody has ever successfully defied the will of God.