Rarely, very rarely, are the sequels as good as that which preceded them. Just in case it's different this time, I present to you the Sunday Funnies
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Sunday Funnies made the sticky!
I've always appreciated you posting this, never really said specifically why, but I feel like I should now.
My father was a complicated man, like I now know all fathers are (lol). One of the better things he would do is read the Sunday Funnies to me from the newspaper. I remember fondly these moments - I learned a lot through those funnies. Doonesbury and "I don't understand this at all, Dad" comes immediately to mind.
Father/child time is very important to all parties involved.
Everyone make sure to keep the spirit of Sunday Funnies alive. Not sure what modern newspaper funnies look like, I suspect they're "Woke" but I hope not. But it's important to figure something out.
So thanks OP.
Stunned, I am.
My first sticky!
I accept this honor on behalf of all those who enjoy these posts.