To clarify, I'm not talking people who want to support Trump, but are afraid to.
I'm talking people who are on his side and would back him in a minute, but either he's convinced them to pretend not to, or who have decided of their own volition to do so to get into all the dirty little secret meetings, etc. to undermine the cabals from within.
Think reps/senators who bash him in public but quietly feed him info on the side, or who wait for the right moment to undo the Leftists' damage.
Dunno why I'm asking, the idea just popped into my head.
Speaking of actors ... I wonder if any of the Hollywood left is actually working with Trump to help put an end to this bullshit.
Seth MacFarlane is a raging lefty, BUT, he did call out Harvey Weinstein that one year he hosted the oscars. He was announcing best actress or something like that ... he said (paraphrase) "The person in this envelope will never have to sleep with Harvey Weinstein again.". This was way before any of the news about Weinstein went public.
Harrison Ford is another ... he has always been a promoter of left wing bullshit ... he also did do a Roman Polanski film in the 80s. However, he never seems to be in Hollywood ... at all. He seems to want to kill himself when he's doing interviews. He also seems to live in a pretty based place. Also, I don't recall him constantly bashing Trump like other big Hollywood stars ... he seems more concerned about cashing out these days.
I could be 100% wrong of course ... and couldn't care less what happens to them overall should they be part of it ... I'm done with cinema. However, it seems strange that they'd actually call people out or remain dead silent about everything.
Oh ... one final person that might be a white hat is George Lucas ... I don't think it was an accident that Steven Spielberg (who I am almost positive was involved with the death of Heather O'Rourke) didn't do the next Indiana Jones movie (that movie is looking to be a total shitbomb, but I don't think anyone involved cares ... its a big ass cash grab since Disney is certainly going to ruin that franchise too). Lucas is executive producer again. While he is certainly a lefty, the guy seemed to ALWAYS virtually tell Hollywood to fuck off any chance he can.