I have estimated that, in America, a true cleansing will require the purge of 78,000 individuals (some purge need not be treason trials/imprisonment but striking from voting rolls and elimination of all US credentialing).
However! A group of between 3,000 and 5,000 nationally could EASILY be detained in a single twenty-four hour period and we would have a very powerful effect on the culture. I believe that Trump knows that it is this easy. (1) use of US Marshals (most loyal federal LEO) and friendly Sheriffs (2) use preexisting commercial (e.g. hotels) properties to quarantine (avoid military and jails for total separation).
I have estimated that, in America, a true cleansing will require the purge of 78,000 individuals (some purge need not be treason trials/imprisonment but striking from voting rolls and elimination of all US credentialing).
However! A group of between 3,000 and 5,000 nationally could EASILY be detained in a single twenty-four hour period and we would have a very powerful effect on the culture. I believe that Trump knows that it is this easy. (1) use of US Marshals (most loyal federal LEO) and friendly Sheriffs (2) use preexisting commercial (e.g. hotels) properties to quarantine (avoid military and jails for total separation).
Hopefully the day comes where they other 75,000 can’t walk down the street shortly after that
Well said, Patriot! We will all clink our glasses together on that day!