I feel like I'm living in crazy world over here. With the exception of some of my immediate family, everyone I know has been bewitched by the covid and vax narrative.
I'll admit, back in the start of 2020 I was shit scared. Seeing images of people collapsed in the street in China etc. I was totally sure it was coming for me. But bit by bit the cracks started appearing and with what we all know now, I feel like I'm totally awake, at least in regards to covid/vax shit.
But it doesn't seem to be... enough? There's literally nothing I can say to my asleep friends and colleagues that they don't immediately jump on me for. E.g.:
If i say "information about Ivermectin is being suppressed, and actually it looks like it has a lot of potential", they say "it's been debunked and nothing is being suppressed, it just doesn't work!". I can show them link after link but they always say it's from an untrustworthy source or the data is being presented in a biased way.
If I say "the vaccinated people carry just as many viral particles as the unvaccinated according to the CDC", they just say "NO THEY DON'T", and again, links showing it are poo-pooed as being untrustworthy or misrepresented.
I told a colleague today that lockdowns and restrictions that are based on vax percentage are silly because even vaxxed people get sick and can spread it around, and I was told that 1. it's not true (vaxxed people don't get as sick), 2. there's no viable alternative and 3. that doing it is "prudent public policy".
My own father told me "Get yourself and your kids vaxxed, I don't want my grandchildren dying from it. Even 38 year olds like yourself are dying from a mild delta covid." (He didn't seem to grasp the fact that he said "dying of a mild covid")
And of course you can't tell them to look anything up themselves because you know as soon as they type something into google (which they'll use, of course), they're bombarded with a billion "fact check" articles.
I'm trying to be brave and trying to be resilient but I feel like there's nothing I can say that they can't just dismiss by saying it's not from trustworthy sources. And then whenever I mention any new stuff they scoff and think I'm a nut job. I'm starting to think "Am I just persisting with the anti-covid-vax narrative because I'm addicted to being David fighting Goliath? Do I just love being the underdog, or just being contrarian? Is that just my identity now? Maybe they're all correct and I'm just trying to make a personality out of being the opposite...". It's getting to the point of intrusive thoughts...
Thanks for reading if you made it to the end of this rant. I'm just tired of trying to wake up the people I care about only to be scoffed at and told I'm the reason people around the world are dying, and that I shouldn't be allowed to work/go out etc. How can I stop feeling so demoralised and let down by the world these days?
U/MakeAmericaWinAgain makes a good analysis of how there people who are probably finally waking up but are doubling down on their mentality. It’s a really bad case of cognitive dissonance.
Imagine if you lived your life believing something for so long. It has turned your life upside down. And then there are things that don’t make sense to you anymore. It’s going to be more comforting to NOT admit to the truth and stick to what you know to be “truth” before. Essentially, they subconsciously choose to continue to live the lie because if they admit to the truth, that means everything that they have sacrificed from the last year and a half has been for nothing. That’s an existential crisis.
Particularly, people who tend to have high opinions of themselves with big egos tend to fall for in that trap more. They don’t have the humility to say they were wrong, so they say YOU are wrong, if even what you’re saying are facts. There’s nothing you can do to help them, they have to be open to it in the first place.
I’m in the same boat as you. It’s like living in the Twilight Zone. I’m trying to stay sane myself being surrounded by Coviots. You want to wake these people up and scream and shake them up. But it’s better to save your energy. If there are people who are honestly open to hearing it, then help them. But for the most part I feel like if they’re not awake by now, it’s hopeless.
this reminds me of a conversation i had with my mom (RIP) probably 10 years ago. at that time, i was on a mission to convince her that 9/11 was a false flag (or AT LEAST that we had been massively misled as to the truth of the attacks) and that, essentially, the NWO/Illuminati were a real thing, as a starting point to a wider view of the world. she of course wouldn't hear any of it, but i didn't give up easily. this was an "argument" we were having for years and nothing i showed her would budge her. this is when i started getting a real idea of how deep media induced mind control worked.
anyway, in our final conversation about 9/11, she had admitted to me that she was hearing similar opinions from other people, some of whom she respected (and that she couldn't believe they were falling for "conspiracy theories"). i could see the tiniest cracks of doubt forming and i asked her a question: Mom, IF it were true that 9/11 was a false flag, what would that mean? her eyes welled up with tears and she said "It would mean everything I have believed about our country and government has been a lie".
it was at that moment i let it go. i could see that she was hurt and scared and that continuing to push her in this direction was actually a form of violence, and the last person on this earth i wanted to hurt and frighten was my sweet dear little old mom. i saw that she (and so many others) literally can not handle this information. why can I and not others? that i still wonder about.
anyway sorry for the wall of text, just wanted to share that story.
I appreciated it fren. My mum also had her own redpill moment recently. She was dumbfounded at the idea that the NEWS would LIE to her.
Her red pill is sort of lasting but if I don’t talk to her every few days she finds some article saying the injections are great and I have to start all over again 🤷♂️
Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt right?
Sadly my mom passed away last October (cancer). It ate her up EXTREMELY quickly. Aside from the normal sense of sadness and loss, at the time I was devastated because I “knew” DJT would win the election and that we’d be on the fast track to healing all disease. Now I’m just happy she’s at peace and not living in the media induced terror bubble that she’d surely be fully immersed in, and what that would have done to our relationship.
I’ve been throwing out bad ideas for 10 years and coming back to some that I shouldn’t have thrown out entirely.
I don’t understand why this process of renewal is the minority. I really don’t get why a majority took this COVID bs up the ass ESPECIALLY after all the lies about Trump and effort to take him out. AND BLM riots. It’s all so obvious if you’re even a little bit curious.