Jackpot, Awakening is imminent...video "out of the shadows" then entire "fall of the cabal" series. There is another one that breaks down Trumps global alliance travel meetings as soon as he became President.
When one of my friends was waking up, we just sat on the phone talking for hours… She had a notepad next to her and was taking notes about things that were interesting to her and what websites to look up and then we searched them together
NEW WORLD ORDER: COMMUNISM BY THE BACK DOOR is a 5 and a half hour documentary that gives a really good in depth view on the symbolism and the history of the banking cabal. now keep in mind that this documentary was produced before trump even announced his run for the presidency so it will have no Q stuff. the documentary also has alot of information that people following Q still dont know and believe it and it might be incredibly controversial to hear. message me if you want more documentaries like this.
I dont have anything off hand but I'm old enough to remember the 1st time I heard about NWO was George H W Bush. This might be something to look into as far as how far back the plan, what was in the plan then and how its progressed since.
Jackpot, Awakening is imminent...video "out of the shadows" then entire "fall of the cabal" series. There is another one that breaks down Trumps global alliance travel meetings as soon as he became President.
The Video "Q Plan to Save the World" is probably a good start.
But it has been stolen/copied/remastered, so get one that is or close to the original.
Very good for someone who is new and willing to watch.
When one of my friends was waking up, we just sat on the phone talking for hours… She had a notepad next to her and was taking notes about things that were interesting to her and what websites to look up and then we searched them together
This should help him understand why their is a global push to inject everyone with the de-pop clot shot
Just rip that band aid off!
NEW WORLD ORDER: COMMUNISM BY THE BACK DOOR is a 5 and a half hour documentary that gives a really good in depth view on the symbolism and the history of the banking cabal. now keep in mind that this documentary was produced before trump even announced his run for the presidency so it will have no Q stuff. the documentary also has alot of information that people following Q still dont know and believe it and it might be incredibly controversial to hear. message me if you want more documentaries like this.
I saved this GAW post for requests like this.
I dont have anything off hand but I'm old enough to remember the 1st time I heard about NWO was George H W Bush. This might be something to look into as far as how far back the plan, what was in the plan then and how its progressed since.