Does anybody have any idea how much and how often i should dose my 60 pound dog just diagnosed with cancer? Sorry its not Q related but you guys are a wealth of information and thought i could reach out to people i trust. Thank you in advance. He was a rescue 11 years ago but has done much more rescuing in return and i just want to give him every chance.
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Absess on what? Oil of oregano works on humans, horses, and dogs. 20% dilution. Apply only once a day, every other day. Dont use on cats except as last resort. They don't do well with those strong essential oils.
Also, don't use on an abscessed tooth unless you are ready for that tooth to be extracted immediately.
If you can't use oregano oil, use a mixture of 1 part tequila, 1 part 30ppm colloidal silver, 1 part water. (Must be tequila, according to a dr I used to know. Something about how it moves med through tissues.) Apply twice per day
My grandmas lower back and arm. I’ll definitely will look into oregano oil. Thanks.