The variant are specifically why we need the vaccine to be wide spread. Viruses are much more likely to change in the unvaccinated causing the vaccines to no longer be effective and needing to develop a newer one.
I am still not advocating for forced vaccines. It is a personal choice, I just think that for the betterment of us all people should be getting vaccinated.
That's not true at all. They are just as likey to evolve in the vaccinated.
Google gle Marek's disease
What happens when they evolve in unvaccinated people is they become less and less deadly while people become more And more resilient.
However in the vaccinated population they become incredibly deadly.
Sort of like antibiotic resitant bacteria
This is a big experiment on the part of the CDC and big pharma. Neither of them have a track record that should lead anyone to trust them. The experiment is already going bead and the people who are best off at this point and the least of a threat to society are the people who got covid and survived/naturally immune.
Facts are the vaccinated can and will produce worse variants, and carry just as much of a viral load as the unvaxxed who are infected.
Facts are that that vaccine has trained their immune system to respond one-way and only one way to a virus with several variants.nit will make them highly ADE. Where as if you have natural immunity your response to the virus will evolve and become more robust and with each variant will make you more and more immune to covid to where it will be like nothing to you.
The naturally immune will be able to fend off variants that to the vaccinated are like a serious disease because the vaccinated won't be able to fight it of.
Again, this is according to the latest research.
Marek's disease was a simple virus in the poultry industry that because of vaccines with low efficacy like the covid vaccines allowed the vaccinated chickens to creat variants that were hyper deadly. So it went from a fairly simple little virus to a very contagious virus with an extremely high mortality rate.
Basicly the opposite of what would happen in a natural setting.
In a natural setting viruses become less deadly and the population of unvaxxed becomes more immune.
These are the facts, what your spouting is not scientific it is propaganda.
The variant are specifically why we need the vaccine to be wide spread. Viruses are much more likely to change in the unvaccinated causing the vaccines to no longer be effective and needing to develop a newer one.
I am still not advocating for forced vaccines. It is a personal choice, I just think that for the betterment of us all people should be getting vaccinated.
That's not true at all. They are just as likey to evolve in the vaccinated.
Google gle Marek's disease
What happens when they evolve in unvaccinated people is they become less and less deadly while people become more And more resilient.
However in the vaccinated population they become incredibly deadly.
Sort of like antibiotic resitant bacteria
This is a big experiment on the part of the CDC and big pharma. Neither of them have a track record that should lead anyone to trust them. The experiment is already going bead and the people who are best off at this point and the least of a threat to society are the people who got covid and survived/naturally immune.
Facts are the vaccinated can and will produce worse variants, and carry just as much of a viral load as the unvaxxed who are infected.
Facts are that that vaccine has trained their immune system to respond one-way and only one way to a virus with several variants.nit will make them highly ADE. Where as if you have natural immunity your response to the virus will evolve and become more robust and with each variant will make you more and more immune to covid to where it will be like nothing to you.
The naturally immune will be able to fend off variants that to the vaccinated are like a serious disease because the vaccinated won't be able to fight it of.
Again, this is according to the latest research.
Marek's disease was a simple virus in the poultry industry that because of vaccines with low efficacy like the covid vaccines allowed the vaccinated chickens to creat variants that were hyper deadly. So it went from a fairly simple little virus to a very contagious virus with an extremely high mortality rate.
Basicly the opposite of what would happen in a natural setting.
In a natural setting viruses become less deadly and the population of unvaxxed becomes more immune.
These are the facts, what your spouting is not scientific it is propaganda.