I drive the 2005 Tundra I bought from my mother when my father died in 2012. It still only have 80 something K miles on it, so that tells you how much I drive, but the this is just one more example that the Marxist and trying to explode our country.
"Possible recording methods listed in the bill include:
Third-party on-board diagnostic (OBD-II) devices.
Smartphone applications.
Telemetric data collected by automakers.
Motor vehicle data obtained by car insurance companies.
Data from the States that received a grant under section 6020 of the FAST Act.
Motor vehicle data obtained from fueling stations.
Any other method that the Secretary considers appropriate."
Too bad my odometer broke tomorrow
I think the car companies already do this. How else would they notify you it is time for maintenance.
It's why I only drive OBD1 vehicles.
I drive the 2005 Tundra I bought from my mother when my father died in 2012. It still only have 80 something K miles on it, so that tells you how much I drive, but the this is just one more example that the Marxist and trying to explode our country.
"Possible recording methods listed in the bill include:
Third-party on-board diagnostic (OBD-II) devices. Smartphone applications. Telemetric data collected by automakers. Motor vehicle data obtained by car insurance companies. Data from the States that received a grant under section 6020 of the FAST Act. Motor vehicle data obtained from fueling stations. Any other method that the Secretary considers appropriate."
What, these Marxist clowns never watched Ferris Bueller?
Sheddy vaexxes