2032: there are no bread lines, do not leave your life pod. The government nutrition allocator will deliver your daily sustenance based on your social credit score.
Mark of the beast. The vax is just softening people up to accept it when it is time. And when the mark of the beast is here, we now know people will be falling all over themselves trying to be the first in line to get it.
This is what all the idiot normies and virtuous and brainwashed lefties don't understand.
You give local, state, fed govts and corporations dominion over your healthcare choices "for the good of society" and you've opened the door for every future manufactured mandate.
2028: There are no supermarkets
Just bread lines
2032: there are no bread lines, do not leave your life pod. The government nutrition allocator will deliver your daily sustenance based on your social credit score.
I hear that’s a good thing
I wonder what the menu will be like at the FEMA "relocation" camps?
If not sterilized, you may accidentally get someone pregnant by breathing near them.
Men included
Mark of the beast. The vax is just softening people up to accept it when it is time. And when the mark of the beast is here, we now know people will be falling all over themselves trying to be the first in line to get it.
By then it will be xeople.
Can’t use discriminating microaggressions against the trans species folx 🤡
A lot of us men were circumcised without consent, does that count?
Got 'em.
This is what all the idiot normies and virtuous and brainwashed lefties don't understand.
You give local, state, fed govts and corporations dominion over your healthcare choices "for the good of society" and you've opened the door for every future manufactured mandate.