Why the fuck would you want to brief any reporters on this? They are all propagandists. Why give these clowns any rope to craft their narratives? Drop your intel on the public, and let us do the reporting through alternative media.
There was a comment on his post from someone that said ”Is Code Monkey the Riddler? I’m tired of the questions. I don’t to do puzzles. For Gods Sake, do we load our guns or wait!!!!!”
🤣 maybe I’m too tired and need sleep but that made me giggle
Someone needs to tell this guy that there is something called "Usenet" ... it has been around almost as long as the internet ... he could seed it in a bunch of alt.binaries groups ... nothing could stop it short of killing every usenet server on the planet (virtually impossible).
Torrents can get people busted ... Usenet being accessed using a VPN is about as close to anonymous as you're going to get.
I’ve followed him for quite a while. I do believe he has something. Wether or not it’s actually earth shattering remains to be seen. However he has never spoken with the confidence he is currently displaying
I don't torrent, don't know how. Guess I'll just wait for summaries of the files.
Same! 😂
I’ve not followed this dude for any length of time so I don’t know his “game”…. But does he prolong stuff often? 🤨 I’m getting annoyed.
He ran 8kun Q board for Q until he retired, I think in December to do other important things.
Same day that deblasio announced vaxx mandate in NYC, immediately followed by the cuomo news
Distractions to eat up the news cycle
Maybe it’s PMS. I need popcorn 🍿
Why the fuck would you want to brief any reporters on this? They are all propagandists. Why give these clowns any rope to craft their narratives? Drop your intel on the public, and let us do the reporting through alternative media.
This guy is a complete clown.
You might want to feed them one story so they can work on their deboonks while you come out with something else.
Real reporters, he did not say main stream media. There are many patriots that report the real news.
There was a comment on his post from someone that said ”Is Code Monkey the Riddler? I’m tired of the questions. I don’t to do puzzles. For Gods Sake, do we load our guns or wait!!!!!”
🤣 maybe I’m too tired and need sleep but that made me giggle
Someone needs to tell this guy that there is something called "Usenet" ... it has been around almost as long as the internet ... he could seed it in a bunch of alt.binaries groups ... nothing could stop it short of killing every usenet server on the planet (virtually impossible).
Torrents can get people busted ... Usenet being accessed using a VPN is about as close to anonymous as you're going to get.
I am guessing they are Gateway Pundit reporters TGP has been doing the articles on him. Hopefully more too.
I’ve followed him for quite a while. I do believe he has something. Wether or not it’s actually earth shattering remains to be seen. However he has never spoken with the confidence he is currently displaying
Larp, Turn on your vpn if you have one and it post it. You said this shit yesterday.
The Suspense is Killer, after the way he hem and hawed about how great this was, I have been expecting mass arrests all day.
Away for a few weeks? You’re a handshake account 🤣 Try again
If you've been around here at all, you should know what a handshake acct is.
Watch and learn.