Got in an argument with a friend of mine who has no children, I have a daughter going into second grade.
Thankfully she’s in a private school that is tossing the masks this year.
He told me he believes that this is irresponsible and that as long as children are dying from Covid and they can’t take the vax they should have masks on at all times at school, and that is so sad people are ok with risking the life of a child with an immune disease. He said until there are ZERO children dying from Covid it should be this way…
I told him that day will never come. Covid is not leaving and the one child with the immune disease has the option of remote learning, and I would support social services to provide support for that family. But only in those cases.
He disagrees, claims my philosophy is robbing this child of a good life with other children. I obviously countered that a good life for all the other children is not wearing a mask for a disease that isn’t killing them.
Anyways - forget the argument. Regardless of what we all believe here, there’s a lot of people like him.. a lot.. I have a feeling he and many others will also not care if there is black and white proven election fraud. He will justify it in his mind…
So my question is - exactly how fucked up do things have to get before they’re awake? These liberals seem completely blinded, believe trump was Satan himself, and obviously think freedom of choice isn’t an option.. he expect zero deaths before we have choice.
Thoughts? Just makes me feel like we are screwed and these idiots aren’t going to wake up.
I think we have to get them off this mindset that they speak for all of humanity and make it about their own ego. If a person refuses to accept any positive news about Covid, I would suggest people stop arguing Covid and start addressing their ego.
“So Covid is the best thing that’s probably ever happened to you, hey?”
“No! It’s terrible! This pandemic is awful! Why would you say that?!”
“Oh really? It’s just that it’s the only thing you care about anymore. It’s all you talk about. You’re like a Covid fanboy.”
“I just - I care about other things too. But this is just so important.”
“Meh, I think most people are over it. Covid is boring.”
“Boring?! Boring?!”
“Uh oh, looks like I just insulted this guy’s favorite band. Covid-19 and the Delta Orchestra. Haha. Man you love Covid too much dude. You need a hobby bro!”
“It’s a deadly pandemic!”
“Look at that glint in your eyes. You can’t even talk about Covid without your whole face lighting up. Dude, just admit it. Your life finally has meaning because of Covid and now you can’t let it go.”
I like the idea of boxing them in with their own obsession because what move do they have? Either they change the subject to prove they aren’t a Covid fanboy, or they keep talking about Covid, which proves they are a Covid fanboy.
Also, when the Delta variant comes up, we might want to say “the Delta variant is old news” and how everyone is now talking about the “Epstein variant” and that “the Epstein variant didn’t vax itself”. Then change the subject to child sex trafficking and how you prioritize rescuing children over everything else. In a party or group setting, this always gives you the moral high ground and it’s easy to box in anyone who disagrees as ignorant and uncaring, at best, and a pedophile apologist, at worst. Then the Epstein cover up is a great transition to shift the subject to the media lying and protecting pedophiles. This then makes it easy to dismiss anything your opponent quotes from the corporate media and to keep boxing him in with the rich corporate pedophiles.