Further, the VPN I use has an internet killswitch baked into the app. It can shut down internet access PC wide if the VPN goes down, as well as directing the switch at specific programs. When I'm torrenting I just use the Killswitch over the entire PC, unless I have a reason to worry about a constant connection, in which case I'll direct it directly at the BT client itself.
dont know anything about torrents because im terrible at things in that direction but oh well
Further, the VPN I use has an internet killswitch baked into the app. It can shut down internet access PC wide if the VPN goes down, as well as directing the switch at specific programs. When I'm torrenting I just use the Killswitch over the entire PC, unless I have a reason to worry about a constant connection, in which case I'll direct it directly at the BT client itself.
Would you say Nord VPN is worthy?? For some reason Idk if I trust them
Try TorGuard. I've read it's no-log and has the killswitch features.
Crappy service. Couldn't change my email address.
I've been torrenting since 2006 and never used a VPN in my life.
Probably on so many lists lol
Is that the email you always get when you subscribe to an ISP, but never use and never look at because you've used the same email for 20 years?
One was enough for me!
probably but if i did it would have escalated years ago by now