All of this stops once The People gather, en masse, to send these asshats crying back home to mommy. The problem is it needs to be The People numbering in the millions, if not tens of millions. Once [they] see that, it's game, set, match. Until that happens, Antifa/BLM, etc will own certain city downtown areas and will continue to hold control, however miniscule it may be, of the narratives that drive [them].
The Proud Boys have been infiltrated by the FBI. Same with the Oath Keepers (I call this group the Oath Breakers, btw.) It's been readily and heavily documented already.
Why we have people falling for this garbage after 1/6 is beyond me.
We MUST become organized, and in such a way that [their] doxxing attempts will be meaningless.
This is the only way we win without resorting to violence.
I'm fine with either outcome, really. Antifa/BLM, Proud Bois, Oath Breakers (keepers), etc are ALL both sides of the same coin and deserve to be taken out with the garbage like the trash they are. Indiscriminately, at that.
There is no greater force on this planet than the TRUE CHRISTIANS. WE have God on our side. [they] do not. This should be easy for The People to comprehend, yet this concept seems to continue to elude and evade us. Why? Are we weak? Are we scared? Are we stupid? No, No, and No. So, let's do something about it and take the fight to [them]. Not physically, mind you, unless [they] attack first. But Spiritually. This requires being present and vocal, nothing more. As long as our numbers dwarf them by a magnitude greater than 10:1.
I'm telling you, if we show up in force in these cities, ALL of these groups will slink away back to mommy's basement and never show [their] putrid faces again. And we won't even have to lift a finger in violence against them, as long as we show up by the tens of thousands, then millions, then tens of millions.
Prove me wrong. Change my mind. Go ahead, I dare you.
Antifa/BLM stood down & watched the large Christian gathering on Sunday at the waterfront. They don’t care about numbers as they lie in wait until the event is over then target individuals as they leave. Police offer no protection.
All of this stops once The People gather, en masse, to send these asshats crying back home to mommy. The problem is it needs to be The People numbering in the millions, if not tens of millions. Once [they] see that, it's game, set, match. Until that happens, Antifa/BLM, etc will own certain city downtown areas and will continue to hold control, however miniscule it may be, of the narratives that drive [them].
The Proud Boys have been infiltrated by the FBI. Same with the Oath Keepers (I call this group the Oath Breakers, btw.) It's been readily and heavily documented already.
Why we have people falling for this garbage after 1/6 is beyond me.
We MUST become organized, and in such a way that [their] doxxing attempts will be meaningless.
This is the only way we win without resorting to violence.
I'm fine with either outcome, really. Antifa/BLM, Proud Bois, Oath Breakers (keepers), etc are ALL both sides of the same coin and deserve to be taken out with the garbage like the trash they are. Indiscriminately, at that.
There is no greater force on this planet than the TRUE CHRISTIANS. WE have God on our side. [they] do not. This should be easy for The People to comprehend, yet this concept seems to continue to elude and evade us. Why? Are we weak? Are we scared? Are we stupid? No, No, and No. So, let's do something about it and take the fight to [them]. Not physically, mind you, unless [they] attack first. But Spiritually. This requires being present and vocal, nothing more. As long as our numbers dwarf them by a magnitude greater than 10:1.
I'm telling you, if we show up in force in these cities, ALL of these groups will slink away back to mommy's basement and never show [their] putrid faces again. And we won't even have to lift a finger in violence against them, as long as we show up by the tens of thousands, then millions, then tens of millions.
Prove me wrong. Change my mind. Go ahead, I dare you.
Antifa/BLM stood down & watched the large Christian gathering on Sunday at the waterfront. They don’t care about numbers as they lie in wait until the event is over then target individuals as they leave. Police offer no protection.
Are Proud Boys bad guys? I've kinda lost them in the propaganda
Infiltrated by FBI.