ALERT: GreatAwakening.WIN is officially at CONDITION ORANGE. False flag danger HIGH. Every gov't 3-letter agency has eyes on this board. The mod team respectfully asks all patriots to come together, observe the sidebar, be civil, and, most importantly, DEPORT GLOWFAGS ON SIGHT! Ban hammer OUT. 😎📣

I don't think there's any thing wrong with him worshipping Hindu gods. Sure he may not believe in our god but i strongly doubt he was sacrificing children, so that's one level above the satanists. The man preached peace and was killed for it, what he was able to accomplish while there were plenty around him wanting to resort to violence. Any how i said the lessons he taught, even if you were to think the worst of him you need to give the devil his due. He lead a peaceful revolution and us Patriots should be looking to him.
Like Abe Lincoln said “Stand with anyone that is right; stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong.”
That's what we ought to respect.
Whatever, the dude was a perv sleeping in the same bed with his naked grandnieces. He was obsessed with shit and would give them an enema every morning.
I could be wrong, but I was told recently that Gandhi was not always the peaceful protestor he has been presented to us to be. I believe in his younger years he was rather radical. This is based on nothing other than a conversation with a person who generally has better knowledge of historical events than me.
Irregardless of him being a Hindi, I’ve met MANY that were the most peaceful humans I’ve ever known. Yeah, their concepts are different but just being against them for being different is against what we preach. Basically it’s [insert label here]. Lastly, in case y’all noticed India is one of our strongest Allies against the CCP and they’re on the front lines with them? Just sayin…