ALERT: GreatAwakening.WIN is officially at CONDITION ORANGE. False flag danger HIGH. Every gov't 3-letter agency has eyes on this board. The mod team respectfully asks all patriots to come together, observe the sidebar, be civil, and, most importantly, DEPORT GLOWFAGS ON SIGHT! Ban hammer OUT. 😎📣

Are you saying that person you linked isn’t beautiful? How do you know their heart? How do you know anything about them? All you see is what’s on the outside. The vessel. Jesus see’s the heart. See of you can find a link to their heart. Show me what Jesus can see. That’s right, you can’t. I question yours though, brother. And that’s probably wrong of me, and I apologize, but it needs to be said. That person you linked is beautiful. Once again, God doesn’t make anything less than perfect. Even you.
What I'm saying is that if he were a D&D character, then he got bad RNG and rolled some real shitty starting stats. Doesn't mean they can't be beautiful or have transcendent experiences.
The way you wield your Jesus card is very off putting.
My love for Jesus might be scary for you. I understand. But for some, if it weren’t for old bones and bad knees we’d be jumping up and down rejoicing for Jesus Christ. And I don’t have a Jesus card, I’ve got a ticket, that’s one way. Join me? I hope so. Me and you will go together. Hopefully we’ll meet Joseph, the guy you linked. Then you’ll see. 👍
You're too cheesy for me.
You seem like the David and Goliath type.
If you haven't seen it, you should watch the parody series Moral Orel all the way through. The first season is a bit rude, but if you can get your way through to the second season you'll see the show mature tremendously and end with a great payoff for fans of both shows and of claymation.
Moral experiences some cool relatable spiritual growth.
https://kisscartoon.xyz/moral-orel-season-1/ https://kisscartoon.xyz/moral-orel-season-2/ https://kisscartoon.xyz/moral-orel-season-3/
If you watch that and enjoy it, then the 25 minute prequel Before Orel that they made featuring younger Moral is the cutest most heart warming thing you ever did see.
If you want to pay the content creators instead of pirating, then there is a disc box set or HBO Max.