83 Say her name, Beetlejuice.....Officer Ella French. Do your fucking job and support your Officers, not the thugs and criminals in your city. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by unruly 3 years ago by unruly +83 / -0 11 comments download share 11 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
the common enemy is the THUG and the THUGS in office who remand them to the street
The guns didn't go out and shoot anyone by themselves, criminals carried them and pulled the triggers. Tired of the bullshit from these libtards.
29 years old and just back from maternity leave...this bitch blames the guns in one of the most gun free zones in the US.
Doesn’t even mention her name; what a disgrace.
Nor her newborn. Trash piece of shit.
TIL newborns aren't family. The worst part of this tweet imo is that she did nothing but sign off on what somebody else typed up. I simply can't see these words formulating from within her racist meth addicted mind. Evil does not feel compassion.
LOL guns are always to blame for the fact that poverty perpetuates criminality.
A gun is a tool and nothing more.
I blame plates for my obesity.