posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +233 / -0

These people ARE truly stupid.

They had peak confidence going in to this election, they had gotten away with it so many times before, it was business as usual. The overwhelming popularity of President Trump tossed in a huge monkey wrench and their system failed.

They scrambled to recoup the loss and did so in the most careless fashion. Evidence of election fraud was bursting the seams. They knew within a few hours they were caught. There was noting they could do, go for broke or lose the election. Even braindead Biden was upset on election night saying, "They are making it to obvious".

All of their maleficence being conducted under the microscope of the Space Force and 100 million diehard supporters, what could go wrong? Steps put in place by President Trump to catch every tasty morsel of election fraud. Now we give them time, we watch as they try to cover their tracks. Its not the crime that gets you, its the coverup afterwards. An innocent person becomes a whistle blower, the guilty dig their graves.

Their illusions of grandeur was to overpowering. Any sane person would know not to go up against a 5D chess champion that just kicked your ass on every level for the last 4 years straight. A good analogy would be if you had a 150 lb Great Dane squatting to take a shit, the deep state took off its shoe and sock and placed its toes in the pile of steamy dogshit as it hit the ground. They stepped right in it. They knew the outcome could be real bad, they did it anyway.

People complained because no one was arrested for 4 years. You see, the criminal organization had to remain in place, the intact system provided the confidence that would ultimately destroy them. If arrests were being made, if people were being indicted, the deep state may have changed their game plan last minute and foiled the white hat plan. Arresting a few of them would send the rest scurrying to try another day. President Trump wanted to end this now, under his watch. President Trump let them think they had all the power. Now every corrupt institution and individual who played a part in this are going to feel real pain

They are currently in the panic stage, they are now realizing they are caught. They see the steam roller coming. NCSWIC. The wheels of justice turn slowly, gives them ample time to think about their crimes and the associated penalties. Treason/death. This will be more than some can handle. I think many will flip soon looking for a reduced sentence.

Do not get caught up in the daily fear porn. I think much of this covid, vaccine, death camp bullshit is just part of the show. Some people need this to wake up. Yes, some people may be dying from the vaccines but Trump was left with two bad options to chose from and one of the options would have destroyed our country, we would have lost everything. He took the lesser of the two evils. I think the vaccine push will end with the market correction. Biden's regime could have tanked the market already, for what ever reason they continue to keep it propped up. I think they were trying to get as many people vaccinated before they wiped out everyone's 401k's. Many people are going to be outraged, if they killed off half the population we would pose less a threat. I think the globalists will still try the Great Reset. Shutting off the internet, cutting supply chains, tanking the market, bank holidays, hyperinflation.

This will be short lived. This will be when the military steps in. I think we will soon see a multi-national attack on China. Half a dozen nations have battle fleets in the South China Sea. Right now China is being tendered up with massive floods, their supply chains being cut, readiness is be leached away, they will not be ready for a massive air invasion.

The deep state threats will halt, vaccine push will stop, black hats are arrested, new monetary system is implemented, Trump regains power publicly, assets of the deep state are confiscated and distributed to the people. Debts are wiped out, taxes are eliminated, people rejoice.

We know the black hats come here to know what tomorrow brings. We need more stories proclaiming our confidence in their demise. This will break their spirit, they will crumble. Keep the hopium coming, leave out the death camp bullshit. Talking about internment camps for unvaccinated just empowers them, we need to break them. Spread Lindell's cyber symposium EVERYWHERE. Share https://frankspeech.com/ with friends and family. We got this.

Have a good night my frens!!!