Someone in Sandusky, Ohio was arrested for leaving her dog in a locked car as “punishment” in 90 degree weather and he died. But Fauci can deliberately inject dogs with parasites causing them to suffer immeasurably and no big deal. What shit is this ? Arrest him, try him, and publicly hang him for his crimes,or better yet guillotine him, as long as it is public. Let him be a lesson to all in government, medicine and big business, their fate,if they continue to push this Covid shitand the shot.
To be fair this is extremely common practice in pharma. Ferrets and dogs are used in particular for many lung studies due to enough of a similarity to human lungs.
Rabbits are used a ton, mice/lab rats, zebrafish, monkeys.
I hated working in pharma and this is one of the many reasons (money being the true motivating factor at the end of the day under the guise of “helping people”)
They’re getting the jab and being full of shit like most liberals.
Someone in Sandusky, Ohio was arrested for leaving her dog in a locked car as “punishment” in 90 degree weather and he died. But Fauci can deliberately inject dogs with parasites causing them to suffer immeasurably and no big deal. What shit is this ? Arrest him, try him, and publicly hang him for his crimes,or better yet guillotine him, as long as it is public. Let him be a lesson to all in government, medicine and big business, their fate,if they continue to push this Covid shitand the shot.
Dog comms haha
Had to do it, for old times. Haha
To be fair this is extremely common practice in pharma. Ferrets and dogs are used in particular for many lung studies due to enough of a similarity to human lungs.
Rabbits are used a ton, mice/lab rats, zebrafish, monkeys.
I hated working in pharma and this is one of the many reasons (money being the true motivating factor at the end of the day under the guise of “helping people”)
yes, I know it's common practice. Still sick and still good for red-pilling lefTards.