Things that we should NOT be doing:
- We should not be advocating violence against anyone or any group
- We should not be getting the tyrant's poisonous "vaccination" under ANY circumstances. Do your own research. Do not let their lies and false fear influence your decision. You are not alone in refusing the vax.
- We should not be watching TV or listening to MSM (it's all lies, propaganda and brainwashing)
- We should not be wearing a mask (they are not effective and they send a message to the cabal that we are compliant with their "mandates").
- We should not be buying products and services from globalist corporations, Hollywood, 3-letter sports or any other companies that support BLM/Antifa, wokeism, CRT, indoctrination of children, pedophilia, human trafficking, open borders, election fraud, communism, satanism, anti-Christian, etc.
Things that we can and should be doing:
- We should be actively participating in our local politics (school board meetings, municipal government elections, town public meetings, state government elections). Make your voice heard. Silent no more.
- We should be following the Constitution and the rule of law at all times. As messed up as the country is right now, it will be the Constitution and the Good People of this nation that will save it.
- We should be more vigilant than ever with our children so that they do not succumb to the indoctrination of the Left. Home-schooling is a good alternative until the public system can get straightened out.
- Finally, and most importantly we should be reading the Bible, praying, trusting and obeying the Lord in all things. He loves us all and has a plan for each one of us. His Plan is that we accept His Son Jesus as our Saviour, repent of our sins and follow Him. God bless you.
And if friends and family asks you what is going on just tell them. Don't be silent. Talk to people and spread awareness.
Most people are dazed and confused because that is by design. The scamdemic is a great economic heist while taking away people's rights. Be blunt and honest with those that come to you with questions. Provide the answers as best as you can.
AMEN!!! I was just trying to red-pill a very BLUE co-worker. Her parents have both gotten the jab - yet just tested positive for covid and are now locked down for 2 weeks at their retirement village. I asked what would happen on day 15 if one or both tested positive again - continue the lockdown?? She was very upset that they are being locked down after having the jab!!! One step at a time pedes... one step at a time! God Bless!!!!