The doomer & negative comments I see here lately are mostly from trolls. Do not engage they get paid for engagements. Move on, block or deport whatever you want to do
But to those that aren't bots & trolls.... please understand your role and your mission. This is war, war sucks and it ain't for everyone
If you can't be patient, stay on task and want to go back to sleep, that's your choice. But don't expect to coddled and sung a lullaby by people here.
If you turn off stuff being revealed to you because blah blah you've heard it all before, you're going to miss stuff. It's like passing up a great book because it's words and you already know words. Or a tasty treat because you know food.
If you can't be patient, positive and receptive at least be quiet.
It's ok to take a break, it's ok to not understand stuff. It's ok to have feelings. Not every thought that enters your mind needs to be said out loud.
It's not okay to fail our mission.
Your attitude & words matter
Frustration runs high because people these days are what i call "click babies"; someone who expects instant gratification by a mere click on the internet and, if they dont get it RIGHT NOW, they piss and whine and cry about it. I treat them as the overgrown children they are.
People need to calm the F down, have patience, and pay attention to whats going on. This is not a one-click solve all problems thing going on.
Edit: great post, OP.!
I agree with you. Honestly, we don’t even know what it is ML and his team are actually intending to accomplish with this. We don’t really know who/what Q is and how they fit into this now - since the drops have stopped. We see one man - DJT - and we tell ourselves if he had just won the election, or we can get him reinstated, we can go back to normal. Ask yourself how “normal” things were in 2017-2020. We think we know the Plan, and therefore we think we know just what needs to happen and how it should play out, and when our expectations don’t mesh with what we see happening, well then everything is just “effed up” and the blaming starts. People need to realize this is MASSIVE worldwide, age old corruption involving powerful enemies that really don’t want to be exposed. Without Divine intervention, we’d have no hope at all. Election fraud is just one tiny move in a huge chess game that we can’t possibly understand just by watching from the sidelines. I don’t believe the ultimate goal of winning the game really has much to do with reinstating DJT. He’s part of a much bigger plan. Why do people have such tunnel vision? Because, as you said, we want everything yesterday. Instant gratification does not build the kind of character our forefathers possessed. I believe a big part of the Great Awakening is waking up to exactly what it is we stand to lose - so we will learn to appreciate and protect it instead of taking it for granted the way many of us have. So we need to stop second guessing the people who are fighting in the trenches on our behalf, and instead pray for them. Pray to God for His wisdom, His protection, His intervention because “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:12) Mere mortals are not equipped to fight that battle without God’s intervention and I stand firm in Faith that we will see that intervention! He has already promised it. So, in the interim, stop second guessing and complaining and learn to pray.
I feel you've been wanting to unload that for a while and i did the TL;DR version. Like, holy shit haha!
Yeh yer spot on.😁