The doomer & negative comments I see here lately are mostly from trolls. Do not engage they get paid for engagements. Move on, block or deport whatever you want to do
But to those that aren't bots & trolls.... please understand your role and your mission. This is war, war sucks and it ain't for everyone
If you can't be patient, stay on task and want to go back to sleep, that's your choice. But don't expect to coddled and sung a lullaby by people here.
If you turn off stuff being revealed to you because blah blah you've heard it all before, you're going to miss stuff. It's like passing up a great book because it's words and you already know words. Or a tasty treat because you know food.
If you can't be patient, positive and receptive at least be quiet.
It's ok to take a break, it's ok to not understand stuff. It's ok to have feelings. Not every thought that enters your mind needs to be said out loud.
It's not okay to fail our mission.
Your attitude & words matter
Keep thinking big picture.
Nothing has happened at the exact time we wanted it to.
Trump would not be smiling and happy and jocular in his speeches and messages if this thing were not ALREADY GOING DOWN.
To us it only feels like "waiting" for "something to happen" because we're shielded from viewing what's happening and already happened. And that's good.
If we could see it, then so could the enemy.
All waiting is in the mind. If standing in a long line "wanting" to be first in line, that's wanting reality to be different than it is. Unmet desire is the source of all suffering. If instead we accept what is, stop desiring for the line to go faster, and just enjoy the .win while standing there, then we're no longer "waiting"; we're just enjoying ourselves. In the context of Q, we can employ the same mindset and accept what is: that the Plan is unfolding as it should.