SHILL THEME OF THE DAY: OVERHYPED. Oh, really? Will their synthetic narrative take hold? Maybe we should all go home, hey? LOL, how about NO, shills! WE HAVE IT ALL. 🇺🇸
🧠These people are stupid!

We’ll see.
Have you watched Lindell's documentaries on this?
The one with Dr. Frank, had some overlap with Dr. Frank's presentation yesterday. That's one overwhelming piece of evidence for election fraud.
There are others, of course, which don't rely on simply 'the machines'/algorithms.
Please do correct me if I have misunderstood you. It sounded like you are skeptical that election fraud occured in a significant enough magnitude to shift the election. (The other possibility I see from your words is that "sure, it occured, but Mike isn't privy to the data that he says he has in regards to the election machines").
I mean, Time magazine literally admitted that it did...
Don't bother. This idiot isn't going to be swayed.
Did you delete your own comment, or, was it removed?
I read it, and was going to reply when I got a chance. I more or less remember what you had said.
You had said something to the effect of you have watched Lindell's documentaries, that election fraud is a possibility, but, you did not believe it to be the most likely scenario. You believe the more likely scenario is that Trump has fooled a great many of us, and you gave you reasoning for this (in a few paragraphs).
I think that generally captures the gist of your message (without all of the supporting arguments you had made).
Didn't delete anything. I can see all my comments, but if you don't, it either got stealth-deleted by someone with that power (C5 told me this doesn't happen), or it was auto-removed due to the downvotes. Or maybe it was in the logs and I didn't see it.
But yes, that is generally my sentiment. It is not impossible that election fraud occurred, but if you want to convince people to replace the current POTUS, you need pretty bulletproof evidence. I haven't seen that yet.