FOUR REPS FROM WASHINGTON STATE SPOKE TONIGHT!!! Hope for our state! We need prayer and we need warriors. The Repub party here is worthless, especially our "Republican" Secretary of State! Kim Wyman is not a RINO, she is a full on communist who has allowed election theft in our state for YEARS.
There have been more audits going on than we realize.
Good stuff!
I know, made my day!
They are all shocked to the core..... this is good.
Yep and they are presenting it slowly so people understand.
Can we find out if someone from our state is there?
There are only two states not represented and I THINK they are Delaware and Maine, don't hold me to that though.
I heard Delaware and Hawaii.
I think Lindell said all but a couple states but I can’t remember which states.
FOUR REPS FROM WASHINGTON STATE SPOKE TONIGHT!!! Hope for our state! We need prayer and we need warriors. The Repub party here is worthless, especially our "Republican" Secretary of State! Kim Wyman is not a RINO, she is a full on communist who has allowed election theft in our state for YEARS.