They have all betrayed us with only few exceptions. The symposium has proven that. Our government was stolen, and not just the presidency. Local, state, federal, judicial. So little remains that has not been stolen or bought.
And I'm tired of the Republican vs Democrat arguments. They all suck. Period. The few patriots remaining need a new category and complete distancing from the garbage that can stay R or D.
Politics are not really natural, just a game / distraction as many other stuffs to divide people, we didn't have them before they created the system, humans once in time, when there was no misery and all the shit we know today, were self-governed by decency, brain, and values
Not saying there's no need of some kind of 'rules'
but if you cleanup this world, share the truth on everything (this included the fact that medicine it's just another tool, witchcraft), diseases and those kind of shit, are not in nature, there are poisonous stuffs around but as well there are natural remedies for everything
if you kill down the vatican, banks, elite, etc, and share the wealth among the people and everyone starts equally, there wouldn't be much need of complex stuffs....
Well said. We probably agree on most things as humans if you remove the artificial dividers.
Read again what i wrote, understand what is the system and understand HOW YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT THEIR SYSTEM
Your thinking it's ideocracy of the worse type, goodly crafted on the base of THEIR system