Just like cockroaches, for every shill you see, there's thousands more you don't. But your mod team sees 'em. Some of these diseased shills are DIRECTLY demon-possessed. They want YOU and our patriotic cause back under their evil control. CONDITION ORANGE! Thank you, patriots! WWG1WGA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

The difference is that the leftists NEVER defend their beliefs; they just name call, or leave. It's amazing that there is such a massive group of people who are unwilling to defend their beliefs.
Oh, that's an awfully broad brush to be painting with.
If someone was 100% certain that the sun was an alien fetus that was controlling our minds and making us all gay, exactly how long would you be interested in debating with this person if they showed resistance to being convinced otherwise?
I don't think that it's appropriate to say that leftists don't defend their beliefs. They just feel like their beliefs are being defended by reality. They predicted Biden would uneventfully be inaugurated on Jan 20th, and that appears to have happened. They believe that Joe Biden is running the country, and so far, that appears to have happened.
The world has been very predictable by believing that the truth is that Trump lost, there is no Q plan, there is no Cabal of people eating babies for immortality, the military is not going to reinstate Trump, and so forth.
Everything that would happen in a world where that is true has happened.
You guys don't believe that and want to debate it, but to them, that's you wanting to debate about whether the sky is blue. Some people like me might enjoy that, but most people just want to move on with their day and let you figure out that the sky is blue on your own.
Ok, here's the question I have been posing to leftists for months: What is one policy of the Trump administration that was bad for U.S. citizens, and what is one, just one, policy of the Biden administration that is good for U.S. citizens? (maybe you'll be the first to answer)
You really think we’re going to agree objectively on this?
I’m a liberal. If someone takes a step to the left, more often than not, they are also taking a step toward what I see as a benefit for the country.
That’s not to say that steps to the right are bad for the country. But it’s not generally the direction I move in.
For instance, I think trying to send home the DACA people was a bad move. I do not like the idea of punishing the child for the crimes of the father, especially when the punishment involves exile to a country where they potentially don’t even speak the language, and especially since DACA people are verified good citizens as a condition of the program.
And therefore, I agree with Biden overruling Trump’s attempts to deport DACA people.
I get the arguments that Trump people made saying that DACA is bad for the country. I understand the possibility of parents gaming the system. I do not particularly care, because I think the rights of the children are paramount and do not see illegal immigration as threateningly as you likely do. So I disagree with Trump that DACA makes our country worse and needed to be ended.
I am assuming (but not confident) that you can present an argument as to why I’m wrong.
It’s a value judgement. Perhaps there is an objective answer, but it’s clearly a difficult one to prove definitively.
I don’t even disagree with everything Trump said. Problem is that the stuff I agreed with him on (like the importance of a grand infrastructure bill) never materialized during his administration. So I don’t really have a lot of actual works on which to ally with him.
So that is your one policy of the Trump administration that you believe hurt U.S. citizens? What about the one policy of Biden you think helps U.S. citizens?
Then you're an idiot.