My sisters added me into a group chat throwing around all these "You need to get vaccinated because this and that" basically all the talking points of CNN and Fauci. I rather not get involved but its really pissing me off
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Nope. The CDC/NIH claims that they privately and secretly analyze large batches of test samples to arrive at their ludicrous assertions about a "variant". See the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Odyssee to explain how this is done, "in silico" (computer generated) exclusively, just like the invention of SARS-COV2 was achieved.
The announcement a few weeks ago was that they couldn't tell the difference between flu and Convid-1984.
Found something interesting
Page 40- Since no quantified Isolates of the 2019-nCov were available.
Here’s an email response from the CDC.
They have to send samples to a separate lab to perform genome sequencing, and they don’t even do it on a individual basis.
So how can the media run all these fear stories about the delta variant? Where do they get their numbers from?
FDA recalled PCR tests, you may be searching for the wrong alphabet agency.
Best i have at the moment.
Np proof of virus in Alberta Canada court by head of health. Mr Patrick King asked the chief of health service ot provide proof of live virus, they couldn't.
A FOIA from Ireland, requesting proof of virus. Head of health returned zero documents.
Essentially the virus is a simulated computer generated genome sequence of 30k base pairs. It seems all they have done is pick a small section, 3k pairs, and gave it a name. It has never been isolated in a live or dead person.
King was exposed as a fraud. He did not win his case.
source please. if this is true it's important.
thanks mate. looking into it.
Here you go! I believe the vast majority of testing was done via PCR tests. PCR tests could not differentiate between “covid 19” the flu, and others. So many flu cases were counted as covid. On top of that, they were running way to many cycles, so a healthy person could show up as a positive too.
I wouldn't bother trying to find specific points of evidence for them to nit-pick.
Just drop a nuke in the chat and move on. Let them nit-pick the facts that over 1,000 international lawyers have already gathered for the Nuremberg 2.0 lawsuit, currently being worked on.
Say little. Let them figure it out.
{edit} Alternate Video interview with Bannon:
Yes hang on.
I wouldn't bother trying to find specific points of evidence for them to nit-pick.
Just drop a nuke in the chat and move on. Let them nit-pick the facts that over 1,000 international lawyers have already gathered for the Nuremberg 2.0 lawsuit, currently being worked on.
Say little. Let them figure it out.
Very true. And what I’ve noticed, with them, it’s all bark (insults) and no counter arguments
I compiled/summarized a bunch of threads from GAW here on the topic.
Very interesting! Great read!
It doesn't exist.
I know... But they want the data (whole their only data source is CNN and Fauci)
Ever ask them if they reached out to CNN for their data? If they are that into evidence.
All you have to do is point them to Gibraltar, the most vaccinated country (99%+) on Earth with the highest per capita rate of infections to show that the vaccine doesn't do anything to "slow the spread."
Also point them to research around Marek's disease in chickens where a leaky vaccine produced an environment which propelled the virus to mutate and adapt to the vaccine.
Point them to Geert Vanden Bosch, vaccine expert, on why you shouldn't inoculate people with non-sterilizing (leaky) vaccines in the middle of a pandemic.
All these variants are coming from THE VACCINATED because the vaccines do not sterilize the virus completely, and instead allow it to adapt and overcome the vaccine.
THEY are SELFISH for taking a leaky vaccine during a pandemic, propelling the virus variants so they can have a SLIGHTLY LESS risk of hospitalization for THEMSELVES. They are afraid of it so they take the vaccine to lessen their individual risk of illness, but in doing so they create environments which allow for immune escape, meaning extra adaptations from the virus to the immune situation present in their bodies.
NATURAL IMMUNITY includes T-cells, killer cells, B-cells, memory cells, NOT JUST ANTIBODIES. That's why NATURAL IMMUNITY is so much more powerful and protective.
Explain they are brainwashed by the same people that SUPPRESSED THERAPEUTICS that are extremely effective because the FDA emergency use authorization is only valid while there are NO THERAPEUTICS.
Explain the vaccine does not prevent acquisition nor transmission of the virus and so IS NOT A VACCINE BY DEFINITION. It reduces your symptoms which is exactly what ADVIL is designed to do. The "vaccine" is a THERAPEUTIC.
Further, vaccinated people may have less symptoms, causing them to ACQUIRE and SPREAD the virus without knowing it, making them SUPER SPREADERS when other people would have become sick enough to know to stay home.
I fucking can't stand ignorant leftist progressive assholes who think they are saving the fucking world by getting a shit vaccine that doesn't work and actually causes a more dire situation by design. Not to mention all the side effects and unknowns of the vaccines of which there are many. What a joke.
Last I read, this had not been proven. Best they could come up with is "it might reduce your symptoms".
I got news for them: vitamin C "might reduce your symptoms". Vitamin D "might reduce your symptoms". Zinc plus Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine "will definitely reduce your symptoms".
Yes, Gibraltar is a perfect example.
I need data on the fact that the vax kills t cells and natural imunity
vax does not kill T Cells it prevents their creation in the body so you dont have them. Just like overuse of antibacterial soaps
The vacc itself is the pointlessly named delta variant bullshit.
Sorry no link - but I know the PCR testing is big for these tests. There’s a YouTube video of the PCR creator basically saying his test wasn’t designed to detect what your illness is, just that you are sick.
With a 99.998% survival rate, you shouldn’t be worried nor should they lol
Just take the 560,000 US deaths, and subtract that from the 330 million residents for a percentage. That’s undeniable proof. Also, the deaths that occurred may have been wrong due to PCR testing, and the victims having 2.5x comorbidity over an average person.
And to add: if you can donate blood, they will tell you if you have had covid and have the antibodies already in your system.
And to add to that, you cannot donate Plasma if you've been vaxxed
EDIT: I said you cannot donate Blood when its in fact PLASMA that you cannot donate. I said blood as a general
Very interesting ... where i work, a Carter bloodcare bus comes once a month or so. I may go over there and see what they say about my blood lol