We now have forensic evidence that dominion deleted data from an election machine and wiped data. Thats a big deal. We now have forensic evidence that machines were accessed remotely. Thats a big deal. We now have PCap data showing data going into and out of the election system while at the same time forensic evidence of posts being made, thats a big deal. We have suspicious .bat files found, and unauthorized programs existing on the machines meaning that these machines were not certifiable for the election. thats a big deal. As stated today during the Symposium, you can either have an investigation or audit be fast OR accurate. We are going for air-tight accuracy even if its a slower pace than most would like.
The deep state and bad actors were panicked and were baited. They attacked over and over. Giving credence to the data Mike was showing.
The best explanation I have seen is the comment above about not being able to use it as evidence if it goes public. Judging by what they said throughout the symposium, they have mountains of evidence and the pcaps aren't even the crown jewel as far as compelling evidence goes.
I think its just a matter of having it fully authenticated by qualified experts and putting it all together into a court document. The case is already airtight even without the pcaps.
Or maybe that was all meant as bait to entice black hats to expose themselves.
except a giant mountain of evidence. The pcaps would just be the cherry on top of an outrageously large sundae.