Second day of the symposium:
Start at timestamp: 5:50:40
This guy is a patriot through and through, and don't let the vile fake media misquoting him make you question him.
I have been reassessing Joshua Merritt. I don't think I need to remind you that the people in the senate cried and show emotion at Jan 6th hearing. And tell you the truth, Joshua's emotional display seemed a little fake to me.
I was reading this article which confirm my impression that his statement was not during his presentation, but was made directly to reporter.
Holy Molley, hold the phone. I just saw the article below from 2020, and it add credence to the thinking that he is a bad seed.
Records show he enrolled in a training program with a military intelligence battalion but never completed the entry-level course, an Army spokeswoman told The Post. Records show that Merritt spent most of his decade in the U.S. Army as a wheeled-vehicle mechanic.
I think the "crying" by the people in Senate was very different from the emotions I saw on Merritt when he was talking about Iraq. But thats subjective.
That article again quotes the same Washington Times. I agree, it must have been a quote made to the reporter directly. No one has provided the full context nor the clip. So until I see the source, for me it's fake news.
Already addressed this before - again - doesn't mean anything. They forgot to put "Student" in his experience with 205th battalion, and he was a wheeled-vehicle mechanic in army - just confirms he was in the Army.
Nothing, beyond the typical fake news smear to prove one way or another that he is a bad apple.
I'm with you, consider it fake without proof. After all, that is the motis operandi of the enemy.
And I hope you don't think I was disparaging serving as a mechanic. Without machanics everyone would still be riding horses.
Oh, now you are disparaging horse riders, huh ?
lol, all good, this is the kind of discussions I come here for and we havent had those in a few months now.
Only Horse Asses, a group I sometimes find myself to be part of.