I havent seen thus question: wouldn't the enemy know this occured? They use the media to spin everything. I cant come up with a good reason why i haven't seen things like TRUMP ABUSES DEVOLUTION TO STEAL ELECTION, or TRUMPISTS WITHIN CORRUPT MILITARY ILLEGALLY SEIZE POWER TO SUBVERT CONSTITUTION or something?! Why in the world would the elite agree with Trump to keep a lid on this until good beats evil?
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I was wondering this morning if the apparent "disorganization" of the Lindell event wasn't to get eyeballs on via negative press, in addition to those legitimately curious.
Bro - me too! Trump did the SAME things! He hid a gem in a pile of dirt that the elites didn't see until after they reported on it and it was too late! Misdirection (PCAPS) so they could show live dominion and SoS colluding to erase data since they have the playbook.
Nice eye. I thought it was deliberate as well, and went into the reasons why in another post. But even outside the reasons I thought of (more direct ones, like honey potting) it does also serve to get rubberneckers on board. 👍
The movement was able to force the DS to expend ammo, (field operatives, IT saboteurs, etc) and Q specifically told us that "Ammunition is finite." (#3646)