Why the heck do you think it takes one person?
Did you not just see Mike Lindell put so much on the line this week and host a symposium? Did you not hear over and over speakers there say “No one is coming to save us,” “it’s up to us,”? Did you not hear several of the legislators in attendance say “our power comes from you,” “get vocal” “Get involved” “write your state representative,” The movement is out there and they are pleading for YOUR help, MY help, EVERYONE’S help.
If you don’t want to protest, At least write your local rep a damn letter.
This is what is so perplexing about this situation. If they have fake ballots, and if they "have it all" why do we need a symposium, or a forensic audit? Produce the proof of the fake ballots, and then we will fight like hell.
Any day now.
If you so smart, you go do it.
Why the heck do you think it takes one person? Did you not just see Mike Lindell put so much on the line this week and host a symposium? Did you not hear over and over speakers there say “No one is coming to save us,” “it’s up to us,”? Did you not hear several of the legislators in attendance say “our power comes from you,” “get vocal” “Get involved” “write your state representative,” The movement is out there and they are pleading for YOUR help, MY help, EVERYONE’S help. If you don’t want to protest, At least write your local rep a damn letter.
This is what is so perplexing about this situation. If they have fake ballots, and if they "have it all" why do we need a symposium, or a forensic audit? Produce the proof of the fake ballots, and then we will fight like hell.
You missed my point.
That’s 3 times. Can you stop copypasting this now?
Just be patient and wait. Look at all the wins that get posted on here every week! Trump is in control and The Storm is coming!