I could have sworn at the symposium a few people mentioned there being a video of her giving a statement and her hands shaking.
I found this one:
But I don't really see anything there (it's a bit long at 40 minutes but I endured it pretty thorougly).
Does anyone recall this and have a link to the video in question?
I don't know about shaking however the body language of her hands absolutely shows stress. The way she tightly clasps them while squeezing hard, tapping or digging her fingers in is a sure sign of stress and trying to maintain control. With that said, how the hell did a 12 year old get elected SoS?
Her and that AZ one, what's with these SOS with little girl voices? Same with AOC.
Soros is her daddy... 😁
All I remember about hands shaking was people talking about Lindell's hands were shaking. I never saw it myself but at the time they were talking about it Mike had been without sleep for 72 hours.
I never saw it either.
Ah, maybe I misheard him. That would make sense.
No, Codemonkey said her hands were shaking and he is supposedly going to drop some bombshell as to why. I'm trying to find it myself.
I saw that on Mike. It was sleep deprivation, being physically attacked and stress.
The woman is absolutely WRINGING her hands.