Wanted to Share Another Excellent Decode Site for Q posts
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Thanq fren..
Before Q guided us to voat/qrv I never used Reddit for more than 30 seconds of peaking at the original GA..
But I somehow found Q, I was highly interested in some insider leak that popped up right before Vegas massacre about the private security/metal detector industry pushing their security on every hotel in the country. Similar to how they used New Town shooting to create model “lock down gun free zone safe space” prison type school system across the board...
Either way I think I sought a lot of Q decodes and posts through Instagram which in the beginning the normal Q hashtags would return a slew of reposts and breakdowns many times the comments would be a treasure trove of info passed from the boards in real time.
But the greatest tool was centipede nation, when the new Q would drop I would wait for those to spread around on Instagram and read through comments.
The one about Trumps master handshake skills is a classic!