SHILL IDENTIFICATION MANUAL: Ever wondered what the difference between a newb genuinely asking questions and a POS shill here only to sow discord and lies? The difference can hard to spot, but u/MyPillowHurts puts on a master class for anyone on GreatAwakening wondering how to spot 'em at work!
🧠These people are stupid!

Don’t be so sensitive. It’s perfectly natural and healthy to question the leadership looking into and exposing voting fraud. After all, it’s been almost a year since the election and we haven’t moved an inch closer toward justice.
Jesus Christ is the only way out of this. That’s the great awakening.
We learned just yesterday that Durham has been presenting evidence to a grand jury in order to explore criminal charges. We also were told by Q in his second-to-last post that Durham would be the solution. We also saw a Trump tweet all the back in Dec. 23 straight up talking about a special counsel investigating the voter fraud. You should be able to piece that all together, unless you yourself are a disruption shill.
Very odd assessment. Inability to judge distance "we haven't mOvEd aN iNcH" ie determine progress accurately, suggests advisability of praying and helping rather than opining/guessing. Best wishes :-)