This is to justify another useless war in Afghanistan. CIA funds the Taliban, Joe sits on his hands and let's them take most of Afghanistan, then we will go over and liberate it all over again. Rise wash repeat, military industrial complex.
Eh. Let them have that shit hole. They haven't been conquered in almost 2,500 yrs. They hate outsiders. They hate invasion forces, as do all countries. They hate occupation forces, as do all countries. We NEVER should've been there in the first place. The ONLY commodity that shit hole produces is opium. The Afghan people themselves seem to be ok with their Taliban masters because everytime we pulled back, they swept in and took back the areas, and the Afghan people themselves did nothing to stop it.
At some point, a vested interest by the local population needs to occur in order for their mess to get better. Since they don't really care enough to do that, I say screw it. Let them have it. Let them have it all. The people clearly support it.
We've spent roughly $1 TRILLION on that shit hole (nation building)over the last 20 yrs, and they STILL can't seem to take out the Taliban or the other 12 terror orgs in that country, even though the ADF knows where they're all at, knows where the tunnel systems are, and knows which locals support those groups, so, let them deal with it.
While we're busy "nation building" other countries, outs is falling apart at the seams. Our forces and our people would be better served by having them back home.
Besides, what happens when the roughly 40% "unvaccinated" military members decide they won't get the coof shots? In a very short time, our military won't be able to be in half an HR places we're at right now, so pulling them all out, closing the embassy for good, and destroying any hardware that can't readily and feasibly be transported back home IS the best option only he table.
The World needs to see this, too. They need to see what happens when you let a fucking Alzheimer's patient and a whore win an election. This seems to be one of the easiest ways to prove that point, so why is everyone here so pissed about it?
I, for one, am tired of seeing these Cabal asshats spend our hard earned money on failed policies and failed plans.
I never had to be deployed to Afghanistan, but I DID go to Iraq. And I've been deployed to the M.E. at large more times than I care to remember. I've been shit and missed, shit and spat at and hit by these people we were sent to help. I've lost more friends than I can count on 2 hands and 2 feet to BOTH of those shit holes, and I'm tired of seeing our men and women be used as Cannon fodder for other countries. Enough is enough. And I'm not even counting those that committed suicide after coming back.
Out of the 40, or so members of my unit when we went to Iraq (before I broke my back and was forced out), there are 12 of us left. The rest either died over there or offed themselves later on back home. For those that can't do math, that's 28 of my Brothers that lost, or took, their own lives to help two separate populations of people that didn't want us there in the first fucking place. 28! And we had NO BUSINESS even being in those two shit holes in the first place! I can't even listen to certain songs any more without having a PTSD driven mental breakdown, so spare me your "feelings" on this matter.
It's time we fix OUR Great Nation first. Because at the end of all this, if we don't take care of ourselves here, first, then it won't fucking matter b cause the World at large will fall.
Y'all are trippin' over something that needs to be done this way.
Btw, how many of y'all even served in uniform, much less was deployed to one of the shit holes we continuously die for? If you can't answer that with a yes, then shut the fuck up. You have no vested interest in this argument.
It infuriated me watching Ramadi fall under that obummer. Now obummer 2.0 is doing it again. All the guys we lost fighting for that ground was all for nothing. Disgusting that they do this but their evil is finally being exposed each and every day. Their days are numbered. Pray for the Afghans that will certainly be slaughtered
This is to justify another useless war in Afghanistan. CIA funds the Taliban, Joe sits on his hands and let's them take most of Afghanistan, then we will go over and liberate it all over again. Rise wash repeat, military industrial complex.
Eh. Let them have that shit hole. They haven't been conquered in almost 2,500 yrs. They hate outsiders. They hate invasion forces, as do all countries. They hate occupation forces, as do all countries. We NEVER should've been there in the first place. The ONLY commodity that shit hole produces is opium. The Afghan people themselves seem to be ok with their Taliban masters because everytime we pulled back, they swept in and took back the areas, and the Afghan people themselves did nothing to stop it.
At some point, a vested interest by the local population needs to occur in order for their mess to get better. Since they don't really care enough to do that, I say screw it. Let them have it. Let them have it all. The people clearly support it.
We've spent roughly $1 TRILLION on that shit hole (nation building)over the last 20 yrs, and they STILL can't seem to take out the Taliban or the other 12 terror orgs in that country, even though the ADF knows where they're all at, knows where the tunnel systems are, and knows which locals support those groups, so, let them deal with it.
While we're busy "nation building" other countries, outs is falling apart at the seams. Our forces and our people would be better served by having them back home.
Besides, what happens when the roughly 40% "unvaccinated" military members decide they won't get the coof shots? In a very short time, our military won't be able to be in half an HR places we're at right now, so pulling them all out, closing the embassy for good, and destroying any hardware that can't readily and feasibly be transported back home IS the best option only he table.
The World needs to see this, too. They need to see what happens when you let a fucking Alzheimer's patient and a whore win an election. This seems to be one of the easiest ways to prove that point, so why is everyone here so pissed about it?
I, for one, am tired of seeing these Cabal asshats spend our hard earned money on failed policies and failed plans.
I never had to be deployed to Afghanistan, but I DID go to Iraq. And I've been deployed to the M.E. at large more times than I care to remember. I've been shit and missed, shit and spat at and hit by these people we were sent to help. I've lost more friends than I can count on 2 hands and 2 feet to BOTH of those shit holes, and I'm tired of seeing our men and women be used as Cannon fodder for other countries. Enough is enough. And I'm not even counting those that committed suicide after coming back.
Out of the 40, or so members of my unit when we went to Iraq (before I broke my back and was forced out), there are 12 of us left. The rest either died over there or offed themselves later on back home. For those that can't do math, that's 28 of my Brothers that lost, or took, their own lives to help two separate populations of people that didn't want us there in the first fucking place. 28! And we had NO BUSINESS even being in those two shit holes in the first place! I can't even listen to certain songs any more without having a PTSD driven mental breakdown, so spare me your "feelings" on this matter.
It's time we fix OUR Great Nation first. Because at the end of all this, if we don't take care of ourselves here, first, then it won't fucking matter b cause the World at large will fall.
Y'all are trippin' over something that needs to be done this way.
Btw, how many of y'all even served in uniform, much less was deployed to one of the shit holes we continuously die for? If you can't answer that with a yes, then shut the fuck up. You have no vested interest in this argument.
How could we do this! The Afgan government trusted us. Joe should be held accountable.
It infuriated me watching Ramadi fall under that obummer. Now obummer 2.0 is doing it again. All the guys we lost fighting for that ground was all for nothing. Disgusting that they do this but their evil is finally being exposed each and every day. Their days are numbered. Pray for the Afghans that will certainly be slaughtered
Agreed. You cannot support the Republican establishment and be a patriot either.
We are about to witness Benghazi 2.0.
That’s what I’ve been saying. Idk why they agree to deploy for a deep state war.
It's going to be a new Saigon or whatever. A true spectacle no doubt. Is this where the new distraction is coming from?