posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +49 / -0

▪️A New Jersey prisoner released on parole because of a coronavirus is accused of killing a teenager 2 days later.

▪️A cyber symposium informant provides unique factual evidence from the TCF Detroit Center that voting computers were networked in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, a gross violation that allowed massive voter fraud to take place.

▪️RSBN: "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell was reportedly physically assaulted after closing the second day of his cyber symposium. According to Lindell, he was attacked and punched in the ribs Wednesday night. "I'm fine, but I'm in pain," he said at an event Thursday morning.

▪️Mike Lindell told the crowd at the cyber symposium that the home of Mesa County Clerk Tin Peters' employee was searched by state officials. The man has four children. They took all of his computer equipment. Then Colonel Phil Waldren came on stage and reported that spies had infiltrated the conference. The event provided a wealth of factual evidence that the 2020 election was rigged and actually won by Trump.

▪️The Pennsylvania Prison Guard Union is threatening a lawsuit against Democratic Governor Thomas Wolf for forced vaccinations.

▪️The Biden administration is discussing mandatory vaccines for interstate travel, but "it is not under consideration at this time."

▪️Tensions between the Chicago Police Department and Mayor Laurie Lightfoot escalate after the murder of 29-year-old officer Ella French. She is the first female officer killed in Chicago in 33 years. Her fellow officers were ready to pay their respects just like all their other brothers and sisters who had fallen in the line of duty - with the honour guard marching to the sound of bagpipes on, but the Deputy Superintendent of Police didn't have 20 minutes "for that shit."

▪️ In Sydney, Australia, there is a "No shot, no job" program forcing wage earners to be vaccinated if they want to continue earning a living.

▪️Participant of the group Pussy Riot Margarita Konovalova (Rita Flores) was re-arrested for 15 days. The activist was arrested on charges of propaganda or public demonstration of Nazi attributes or symbols.

▪️The Biden administration is trying to save California Governor Gavin Newsom from being recalled from office.

▪️No mainstream media reported the president's naked son (Hunter Biden) complaining about the Russians stealing his laptop for blackmail in a conversation with a prostitute.

▪️The head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Mallorcas, blames Trump for the increase in illegal border crossings. Meanwhile, Border Patrol agents document the "horrific" conditions in Biden's migrant facilities: illegals stacked literally on top of each other in cramped detention cells.

▪️At the same time, an audio recording was leaked in which Mallorcas privately tells his staff, "I was in Mexico a couple of days ago and said: Look, you know, if our borders are the first line of defence, we're going to lose, and that's unacceptable. We can't go on like this, our people on the ground can't go on, and our system is not set up for this."

▪️40% of illegal aliens brought into the city of Texas tested positive for Covid-19.

▪️The Texas Tribune edited one of its articles after it "erroneously" reported that 5,800 children were hospitalized with Covid over a seven-day period. The report claims that there has been a huge spike in cases, resulting in 5,800 children being hospitalized in one week. The newspaper corrected its reports after the lies spread around the world and caused unnecessary panic.

▪️Biden refuses to publish logs of Delaware visits despite having made 17 trips to Delaware residences in six months. He is planning a two-week vacation.

▪️The oppressive mayor of Philadelphia orders all unvaccinated city employees to wear two masks beginning September 1.

▪️Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett denies students' request to block the vaccination mandate at Indiana University.

▪️San Francisco will require proof of vaccination to visit restaurants, gyms, bars and theatres.

▪️ In another attack on Ron DeSantis of Florida, Joe Biden criticized governors for "politicizing" masks in schools and then violated his own mandate by walking away from the podium and out of the hall without ever wearing a mask.

▪️Director of the CDC Walenski: "Only some immunocompromised people" may need the Covid booster vaccination.

▪️Biden Effect: U.S. producer price inflation rose to an annual rate of 7.8 per cent in July, a record.

▪️ Governor of Texas: "Transgender surgery performed on children is abuse and violates the law. In addition, Abbott said he supports a judicial audit of voting in Texas.

▪️Canada will require all federal government employees to be vaccinated and all airline passengers, passengers on interprovincial trains, and large marine vessels.

▪️British Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds an urgent meeting about the Taliban's advance in Afghanistan. The Taliban are only 50 kilometres from Kabul, power is cut, roads are blocked.

▪️22 people have been arrested for forest fires in Algeria, and the fire continues to rage. "Criminals are behind most of the fires," declares President Tebboun. The crowd lynched one of the alleged arsonists and burned him alive, storming the police station. The prosecutor's office opened an investigation into the incident.

▪️China rejects new WHO investigation into the origin of Covid-19.

▪️British scientists are warning the public that high levels of infection with the coronavirus are likely to lead to another spike in cases this fall.

▪️YouTube deletes video of U.S. Congressman Malliotakis' press conference announcing his lawsuit against New York City regarding the vaccination passport requirement.

▪️The global temperature in July 2021 was the highest in the history of meteorological observations (since 1880), according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

▪️911 cases of the "vaccine-resistant" variant of lambda, which allegedly devastated parts of South America, have now been found in the United States.

▪️The United Kingdom will send 600 troops to Afghanistan to evacuate its compatriots.

▪️The Pentagon is moving thousands of Marines into position to evacuate the U.S. Embassy and American citizens in Kabul. Embassy employees are ordered to destroy important documents and desktops before leaving.

▪️ Employees of the Danish Embassy are being evacuated from Kabul.

▪️Turkish residents, dissatisfied with the migration flow of Syrians into the country, began attacking their stores, cars and other property.

▪️The Australian capital Canberra is imposing seven-day restrictions after the first coronavirus infection in a year allegedly caused three more cases.

▪️Canada will host 20,000 Afghan refugees, giving priority to women leaders, human rights activists, journalists, religious minorities, LGBTQ+ and families of already resettled interpreters.

▪️The Taliban have banned coronavirus vaccinations in eastern Afghanistan's Paktia province and have posted a notice to that effect at a regional hospital. According to the provincial director of public health, the COVID-19 vaccination unit has been closed for the past three days and patients have been informed that the vaccine is no longer available.

▪️Trump asks: "Do you miss me yet?" after criticizing Biden for the tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken border, record crime rates, high oil prices and rising inflation.