Thanks Obama! 63 People on Martha’s Vineyard Test Positive for COVID After Obama Birthday Bash
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I don't believe this and I'm sort of surprised they're trashing Obama, though it pleases me no end.
I forgot to tag this title with "not a Babylon Bee article..."
I mean I don't believe the story about the COVID breakout after Obama's party. I think it's just more lies in the ongoing scam.
Your unbelief is not very beneficial to the cause i .e. "the ongoing scam" ....Howls...
Trashing Obama makes us think the story is legit. Obama would lose nothing here. His supporters don’t give a shit and forget everything
I thought the same thing at first, but then realized it’ll just be used as more “evidence” that everyone should be wearing a mask.
They can try, but I don't think that's going to fly.
Just as they planned it, I’m sure.
I'm guessing covid 19 wasnt the only communicable disease shared around there that weekend among those degenerates.
DuRrRrRrR i WoNdEr iF ThEy WeRe FuLLy VaCciNaTeD. DuRrrRRrrRR Fucking Jackasses.
Maybe "tested positive" is code for now indicted.
Remember Tom hanks and Ellen way back March 2020 with the weird covid comms and ankle monitors?
Still feel like some covid announcements are code for up gitmo creek without lube.
I lika the way you thinka....
I've read a lot of your posts, I can say the same for you sir!
Wags tail....
I don’t believe this either, this is just a way to get the rest of us to comply after they had their fun. “Oops we made a terrible mistake now 63 people have Covid, now we know better. So you learn from our mistake.” Bull crap they know what Covid is after 18 months and if they can have a party it’s safe for everyone one else too.
this is fake news driving the Covid Psyop
hur dur dur... Obama is a superspreader!!
fucking jack shit
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the situation...
No problem. No hate on you for posting it.
It's a story that pacifies people who dislike Obama and will take ANY unfavorable comment about him, as truth.
Problem is, it reinforces the massive lie that is the Covid conspiracy.
But it does highlight the utter hypocrisy the elites are shoving down our throats, so I guess it is a two edged sword...winks
Obsessing on hypocritical leftists is what FOX does all god damn day. And it's worthless.
Better yet, it's proof that Elites have zero fear of the seasonal flu and neither should we.
Valid observations...
Very good...