Wtf are we doing letting our women fight our battles? Have you lost your balls? Where is the apex predator alpha male inside of you? Yes the plan is real but why are we not engaging on all fronts? Why are we not defending our momma bears. Are your skinny jeans to tight? Step the fuck up boys!!! asap
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We have let them destroy our families its up to us to get it a couple man and wife, we can see the face of God and his strength will have our hearts intertwined as one in this war if we allow him to show us the way one more time. Do not give up hope in each other this is what they want.
This guy is trying to sow discord. He has posted a bunch of these stuff.
Very eloquently put. Complete agreement with your statement brother.
Soy, full of estrogen is turning our young men more feminine also. We need our producers to substitute Hemp for Soy. Hemp is very nutritious.
My husband has some kahunas 🙏🏻 Happy the lord touched his heart and he protects my family.
I agree with what you're saying, at the same time us white men are easily dismissed as the wuhite supreme's.
Like using girls to ask older guys to buy booze for you when you're young.
Men have no balls any more. They are content to sit back and let the wife do it all: raise the kids, take care of the house, support the family. The worst thing that happened to the family is the mother going to work.
It's baffled me how the most vocal warriors we have at the moment are women -- MTG, Lauren Boebert, Wendy Rogers, Karen Fann, and countless moms at school board meetings. There have been some men but mostly women are coming forward. I know that all of our men are not feminized.
I feel like the first wave is the women, the rabble rousers. And if that doesn't meet the desired outcome, the second wave will be the men and that would be game on.
I take your point, but it's not baffling to me at all why the most prominent voices in society right now are women. We've all seen and been affected by the onslaught that has been wreaked on men in America. "Toxic masculinity", the bumbling idiot, etc. This has all been designed to tear down the influence of the straight man, and increase the influence of the feminized man (a la, soy boy).
I think things are changing, and men are sick of the disrespect. Men are sick of being told by loud mouthed nobody's that their opinions and wiring are toxic. I think men are finally giving double barreled f-k u's to the feminists, and real women are too. Real women look at the soy boys with disgust, because a soy boy will not stand up for any principle, and is not capable of protecting those around him.
Where the rubber meets the road is in those personal relationships. Men and women really need to understand what their natural dynamic is, be comfortable with and work inside their individual strength zones to cover all the relationship bases to be an effective team.
The feminists have a real problem... Nevermind the pink hair, 350 lbs and piercings, it's their IDEAS that are unattractive. All the conflict between men and women just seems useless and pointless now. Men love women and women love men, for all the right reasons, and people are just tired of the pink-haired land whales f-king it up for everyone.
One thing we should rethink is the very word Homophobe... there are (in my opinion) VERY few Homophobes on this Planet. Phobe means "fear of" so you wanna tell me there are real men that are afraid of Homosexuals? LOL! Nope! There are lots of Men that do not like Homosexuals, that's not being homophobe at all! Some just are not ok with the behavior of homosexuals, some because of religious motives, some because of reminding them of the Idea of that sexual act being somehow like being raped. Just a thought...
What you do your house is your business but if your willing to fight for the principles of our great country I will fight beside you