Lots to choose our there, research the various zinc forms (picolinate, citrate, gluconate, etc…)… what’s important is of you can absorb the supplement and also of your stomach can handle it.
Another option to try … oysters. Go to your store and look for oysters fresh shelled in a bottle (they usually get them daily) or fresh oysters. This is a more bioavailability form of zinc you can get (from food). Make sure you add fresh lemon to taste but also to ‘cook’ the oysters … ceviche style.
The citric acid in lemons does not bind to zinc found in oysters (natural foods) — these are naturally bound to amino acids, not chelated via some synthetic process. Naturals foods are not the same as synthetic chems forms.
So don’t worry, the lemon will not cause a chem reaction.
When it comes to legumes, you can get rid of phytic acid by soaking overnight, basically sprouting.
Is Zinc available by itself or only in a multi-vit? (Don't much about vitamins or even being healthy for that matter) thnx.
Lots to choose our there, research the various zinc forms (picolinate, citrate, gluconate, etc…)… what’s important is of you can absorb the supplement and also of your stomach can handle it.
Another option to try … oysters. Go to your store and look for oysters fresh shelled in a bottle (they usually get them daily) or fresh oysters. This is a more bioavailability form of zinc you can get (from food). Make sure you add fresh lemon to taste but also to ‘cook’ the oysters … ceviche style.
Agreed on the oysters, but skip the lemon, just simmer them in broth or whatever. Citric acid binds with the zinc,
"Zinc and Immunity: Just Don’t It Take With Citric Acid
one of the problems with zinc lozenges is that some contain substances that bind with zinc – like citric acid.
malnutrition caused by lack of iron, zinc, copper and others afflicts more than half the world’s population
Unrefined cereals and legumes ... phytic acid, found in these foods, is implicated. Phytic acid binds with micronutrients like zinc."
The citric acid in lemons does not bind to zinc found in oysters (natural foods) — these are naturally bound to amino acids, not chelated via some synthetic process. Naturals foods are not the same as synthetic chems forms.
So don’t worry, the lemon will not cause a chem reaction.
When it comes to legumes, you can get rid of phytic acid by soaking overnight, basically sprouting.