But notice that all the news is on New Cases, and not Deaths.
My sister who is somewhat anti-vax has gotten scared into taking at least the first shot because she says people are dying left and right up where she is at. She knows them, or of them personally.
I have tried to tell he that the numbers are fake, that they are reporting anyone that goes into hospital as a covid patient. If the die of heart attack, they are reporting it as Covid death. And they are denying legitimate respiratory patients the care they need, basically letting them die, and reporting death as covid.
I don't know if you saw this Rumble video or this one.
They both got my dander up and running. On the first one I called Sarasota Memorial Public Health Department and demanded an investigation. Left word with supervisor, and will follow up tomorrow. Also called SunCoast news and ask them to investigate it, and sent email to state Senator asking for them to look into it. Also showed up at planned protest resulting from second video. Not trying to claim I am doing anything, but is example that when you get pissed at something, you will take some kind of action, and we should all be at that state 24x7 now.
Both of those short videos are perfect example of what is going on in our healthcare system. Also, did you see the Hawaiian guy blowing the whistle on what he is seeing. Here
We all have to get some fire in our belly, and raise mortal hell with our elected official, and protest what the hospitals are doing.
If we bring enough shame to the healthcare system in our town, that will start affecting who are willing to visit, or move to location. It will hurt Sarasota images.
Saw the Hawaiin guy vid. I'll watch the others you linked, TY.
Sounds like you're doing the right things. Our problem lies, I believe, with the as of yet unimpeded propaganda.
The mass hysteria is in full effect and those under it's influence can not be reached. Like the Salem Witch trials, I think it must burn itself out and collapse under it's own weight.
The Normies are too emotionally invested. Firstly, they don't want to be proven wrong simply as a matter of pride. Secondly, if they are wrong then they have likely killed themselves.
Stay strong. It stops when enough of us refuse to play their game and make it stop.
Agree! Also agree with the proposition that they are afraid to admit that such deceit and evil exist in society, that it is totally outside of their ability to conceive that people could operate with such maleficent intent because they rationalize that they themselves would could not possibly do such a thing, so they believe now one else would be capable of those things either.
By the way. C.S. Lewis has the best comeback to those that like to slam Christianity by claiming that a long time ago Christians burned witches at the stake.
"For example, one man said to me, "Three hundred years ago people in England were putting witches to death. Was that what you call the Rule of Human Nature or
Right Conduct?" But surely the reason we do not execute witches is that we do not believe there are such things.
If we did—if we really thought that there were people going about who had sold themselves to the devil and received supernatural powers from him in return and were using these powers to kill their neighbors or drive them mad or bring bad weather, surely we would all agree that if anyone deserved the death penalty, then these filthy quislings did. There is no difference of moral principle here: the
difference is simply about matter of fact.
It may be a great advance in knowledge not to believe in witches: there is no moral advance in not executing them when you do not think they are there. You would not call a man humane for ceasing to set mousetraps if he did so because he believed there were no mice in the house."
Watching the Sarasota stuff you linked. Outrageous indeed. If ever there was a time in our lives to stay the hell away from Hospitals, it is surely now. If you are not highly knowlegable on medicine, you might as well be playing Russian Roulette.
Bunch of highly credentialed cretins, messing around with things they don't understand. I don't know what the hell we're training these days but it sure as hell isn't physicians. Follow only officially approved protocols provided through official, approved channels. Do not deviate! Do not question! No thinking allowed!
Incredible isn't it, and very different from the doctor/patient care experiences you or I might have known in our past where healthcare professionals seem to really have healing first in minds, and operated with compassion.
Clearly not the case any longer. I left the hospital setting about 30 years ago. I worked as a Medical Technologist in the Lab for about 15 years or so. I knew a lot of dumbasses calling themselves Doctors back then. I think it is so much worse now.
30 years ago hospitals were all losing money leading to consolidation and concentration of ownership. They have obviously adopted a new business model involving collusion between insurance, pharma, and HMOs. Hold patients captive and treat them to death with expensive meds and tests. Patient dies and all they have to say is "Next".
The ER Doc as patient advocate story was compelling and all too familiar.
Treat for Covid in Hospital (ie: Germ Zoo) settining with steroids which supress immune system, by design.
Patient contracts Bacterial Pneumonia as direct result.
Properly trained medical personnel will anticipate this from their training but for some reason they miss it anyway.
Miss timely diagnosis and proper treatment for 3 days running.
Because of delay in treatment (with probably inexpensive antibiotics) infection spreads from lungs to bloodstream (SEPSIS). This patient will likely die!!!!
I got a call this morning from supervisor of Sarasota Memorial Public Health, the guy I had left message with last name of Zuber. He told me that he was acknowledging my call, and stated that the Dr. Witness vid issue was being investigated.
I thanked him for returning call, then asked if there was an incident, or case number, or any way I could be made aware of result of investigation. I very kindly stated that since it was his departments action that the vid implicated in what I viewed as a possible crime, that I was not sure I trusted them to investigate themselves. He then told me that the matter is being investigated by internal, and external authorities. I said, external authority. you mean like the City Police Dept? He said, no not investigated as a crime, but more of a policy violation.
I pretty much could tell I was going to get no more blood out of this turnip, so I again thanked him for his time, and that was it.
I am old and wise enough to know that when you saw at something, it often make it easier to change the angle of cut, come at it from a different angle, in a teeter-totter like fashion. So that is my intent, to hit it a bit from the Zuber side, then take a few passes at the State Rep side, then over to the city, maybe commissioner side, and possibly a swipe of two on the news station angle.
Genius is intensity. The man who gets anything worth having is the man who goes after his object as a bulldog goes after a cat - with every fiber in him tense with eagerness and determination - W.C. Holman
The vaccine doesn't work, covid is not a real virus. Covid is the flu with the help of the PCR tests and their false positives. If anything comes from the jabs may be a new virus, but I am betting it will make people much less likely to be able to fight off the flu in flu season. But please stop talking like covid is a real thing, and hopefully the delta variant comment is sarcasm, because that's about the most stupid comment a person can say.
It's not working - it's making those who took it sick when they face the next virus. Multiple deaths incoming, I fear.
It's doing the opposite of working. We're having an out of season outbreak caused by the shot.
That is what I think too.
Yes and Yes.
Current surge in cases is a manifestation of Vaccine Injuries. This is one of the intended functions of the Gene Therapy.
But notice that all the news is on New Cases, and not Deaths.
My sister who is somewhat anti-vax has gotten scared into taking at least the first shot because she says people are dying left and right up where she is at. She knows them, or of them personally.
I have tried to tell he that the numbers are fake, that they are reporting anyone that goes into hospital as a covid patient. If the die of heart attack, they are reporting it as Covid death. And they are denying legitimate respiratory patients the care they need, basically letting them die, and reporting death as covid.
I don't know if you saw this Rumble video or this one.
They both got my dander up and running. On the first one I called Sarasota Memorial Public Health Department and demanded an investigation. Left word with supervisor, and will follow up tomorrow. Also called SunCoast news and ask them to investigate it, and sent email to state Senator asking for them to look into it. Also showed up at planned protest resulting from second video. Not trying to claim I am doing anything, but is example that when you get pissed at something, you will take some kind of action, and we should all be at that state 24x7 now.
Both of those short videos are perfect example of what is going on in our healthcare system. Also, did you see the Hawaiian guy blowing the whistle on what he is seeing. Here
We all have to get some fire in our belly, and raise mortal hell with our elected official, and protest what the hospitals are doing.
If we bring enough shame to the healthcare system in our town, that will start affecting who are willing to visit, or move to location. It will hurt Sarasota images.
Saw the Hawaiin guy vid. I'll watch the others you linked, TY.
Sounds like you're doing the right things. Our problem lies, I believe, with the as of yet unimpeded propaganda.
The mass hysteria is in full effect and those under it's influence can not be reached. Like the Salem Witch trials, I think it must burn itself out and collapse under it's own weight.
The Normies are too emotionally invested. Firstly, they don't want to be proven wrong simply as a matter of pride. Secondly, if they are wrong then they have likely killed themselves.
Stay strong. It stops when enough of us refuse to play their game and make it stop.
Agree! Also agree with the proposition that they are afraid to admit that such deceit and evil exist in society, that it is totally outside of their ability to conceive that people could operate with such maleficent intent because they rationalize that they themselves would could not possibly do such a thing, so they believe now one else would be capable of those things either.
By the way. C.S. Lewis has the best comeback to those that like to slam Christianity by claiming that a long time ago Christians burned witches at the stake.
"For example, one man said to me, "Three hundred years ago people in England were putting witches to death. Was that what you call the Rule of Human Nature or Right Conduct?" But surely the reason we do not execute witches is that we do not believe there are such things.
If we did—if we really thought that there were people going about who had sold themselves to the devil and received supernatural powers from him in return and were using these powers to kill their neighbors or drive them mad or bring bad weather, surely we would all agree that if anyone deserved the death penalty, then these filthy quislings did. There is no difference of moral principle here: the difference is simply about matter of fact.
It may be a great advance in knowledge not to believe in witches: there is no moral advance in not executing them when you do not think they are there. You would not call a man humane for ceasing to set mousetraps if he did so because he believed there were no mice in the house."
Watching the Sarasota stuff you linked. Outrageous indeed. If ever there was a time in our lives to stay the hell away from Hospitals, it is surely now. If you are not highly knowlegable on medicine, you might as well be playing Russian Roulette.
Bunch of highly credentialed cretins, messing around with things they don't understand. I don't know what the hell we're training these days but it sure as hell isn't physicians. Follow only officially approved protocols provided through official, approved channels. Do not deviate! Do not question! No thinking allowed!
Incredible isn't it, and very different from the doctor/patient care experiences you or I might have known in our past where healthcare professionals seem to really have healing first in minds, and operated with compassion.
Clearly not the case any longer. I left the hospital setting about 30 years ago. I worked as a Medical Technologist in the Lab for about 15 years or so. I knew a lot of dumbasses calling themselves Doctors back then. I think it is so much worse now.
30 years ago hospitals were all losing money leading to consolidation and concentration of ownership. They have obviously adopted a new business model involving collusion between insurance, pharma, and HMOs. Hold patients captive and treat them to death with expensive meds and tests. Patient dies and all they have to say is "Next".
The ER Doc as patient advocate story was compelling and all too familiar.
I got a call this morning from supervisor of Sarasota Memorial Public Health, the guy I had left message with last name of Zuber. He told me that he was acknowledging my call, and stated that the Dr. Witness vid issue was being investigated.
I thanked him for returning call, then asked if there was an incident, or case number, or any way I could be made aware of result of investigation. I very kindly stated that since it was his departments action that the vid implicated in what I viewed as a possible crime, that I was not sure I trusted them to investigate themselves. He then told me that the matter is being investigated by internal, and external authorities. I said, external authority. you mean like the City Police Dept? He said, no not investigated as a crime, but more of a policy violation.
I pretty much could tell I was going to get no more blood out of this turnip, so I again thanked him for his time, and that was it.
I am old and wise enough to know that when you saw at something, it often make it easier to change the angle of cut, come at it from a different angle, in a teeter-totter like fashion. So that is my intent, to hit it a bit from the Zuber side, then take a few passes at the State Rep side, then over to the city, maybe commissioner side, and possibly a swipe of two on the news station angle.
Genius is intensity. The man who gets anything worth having is the man who goes after his object as a bulldog goes after a cat - with every fiber in him tense with eagerness and determination - W.C. Holman
I salute your tenacity.
From my personal experience, few organizations are better at sweeping things under the carpet and covering them up than Hospitals.
Two faced glad handers and straight faced liars abound.
I leave this rule for others when I'm dead, Be always sure you're right—THEN GO AHEAD!
What do you mean? Haven't you heard about the "Delta variant"?
Lol right?
Basically I believe what is happening is they take the common cold and now call that covid. So if you cough someone might say oh no do you have covid?
Did you get the JAB?
The vaccine doesn't work, covid is not a real virus. Covid is the flu with the help of the PCR tests and their false positives. If anything comes from the jabs may be a new virus, but I am betting it will make people much less likely to be able to fight off the flu in flu season. But please stop talking like covid is a real thing, and hopefully the delta variant comment is sarcasm, because that's about the most stupid comment a person can say.
The covid scam will be blown wide open.
I don't know any unvaccinated that are getting "Covid", but I know over 10 vaxed people who recently got sick from "Covid".
I don't think it works.
The vaccine is causing the variants. We will always have Covid whether it's summer or winter as long as they keep pushing the fake narrative.