For all we know, they could be watching a camel race in 2015. Fake media can just add a caption to any photo and expect the herd to believe whatever it says. "Fool me once....uh, uh, means you can't be fooled again." - GW Bush.
If you zoom in on the image, it looks odd, different people that are at different distances from photographer are in focus. And the haziness, (graininess?) in background....
From other people with great eyes for noticing edited images (that also post why they believe something was edited) have pointed out stuff like this.
Reportedly carrying out executions is about as reliable as an unverified source. No actual photo evidence - why not? There were plenty of ISIS beheadings etc.
Seems this guy was her source:
J. Christian Adams
Election lawyer @PILFoundation
, New York Time bestselling author Injustice, @USCCRgov
Commish., PJ Media and helmsman of Gosnold
We have no idea what is even true in this. I'm not going to let it rile me. I think there is some bullshit happening or else we would be doing something. Also, if its the governmw.t officials they are wacking well they were put in by the deep state so thats a plus.
For all we know, they could be watching a camel race in 2015. Fake media can just add a caption to any photo and expect the herd to believe whatever it says. "Fool me once....uh, uh, means you can't be fooled again." - GW Bush.
I'll pay airfare if we could send bidet and his supporters to that party. Save us a lot of court cost
If you zoom in on the image, it looks odd, different people that are at different distances from photographer are in focus. And the haziness, (graininess?) in background....
From other people with great eyes for noticing edited images (that also post why they believe something was edited) have pointed out stuff like this.
At this point, I doubt everything that is put out about Afghanistan.
Fits their MO
Create a story, endlessly blather about it to make their lie believed.
Everyone in the msm talking about it now are suspect to me. Even guest speakers. I had one or two people I wondered if they were on our side ...
I've been watching on and off to learn to spot liars better; some of them are very good.
Exactly, I see it as a distraction. No-one really knows what's going on there. That photo could be years old.
Reportedly carrying out executions is about as reliable as an unverified source. No actual photo evidence - why not? There were plenty of ISIS beheadings etc.
Sara A. Carter's twitter page - look at the photo
Tells me all I want to know.
Seems this guy was her source: J. Christian Adams @ElectionLawCtr Election lawyer @PILFoundation , New York Time bestselling author Injustice, @USCCRgov Commish., PJ Media and helmsman of Gosnold
We have no idea what is even true in this. I'm not going to let it rile me. I think there is some bullshit happening or else we would be doing something. Also, if its the governmw.t officials they are wacking well they were put in by the deep state so thats a plus.
There aren't enough words to express the absolute anger and sadness I feel this morning.
Not only probably fake caption, photoshopped pic, but even if there are executions, could it be DS operatives and supporters who are being taken out?
Proof, or it isn't happening.