I wonder what makes people more susceptible to "waking up"?
It was never really that surprising to me. Seeing the early 9/11 stuff was a shocker, but I pretty much already thought everything was screwed up
I had long hair and black clothes in high school (metal t-shirts and black jeans, typically) and was asked by my teachers if I was the next Columbine shooter.
I attended a nearby high school at the time. I played Doom and other FPSs all the time back then, and had tickets to the Marilyn Manson show that got cancelled after the shooting. I had a big stack of KMFDM cds.
I already got in trouble whenever we had a standardized tests for getting really high scores. "You're in the 99th percentile of the whole school you know? Why aren't your grades better??" "Uh, because the classes are boring and I don't care about them." "What??? You must be on drugs!"
The valedictorian was of average intelligence at best, but was really good at doing what she was told. Not stupid by any means, but that goth kid over in the corner could have a deeper conversation with you than her any time of the day. He's failing all his classes! So, I knew the system was screwed up. The smart people have all kinds of problems while the order followers succeed.
I thought we went to school to get smarter??
Anyway, 9/11 was still a shock but I guess it wasn't that difficult for me to accept that this manipulation was going on, since I'd seen a bit of it with the Columbine stuff. I liked WWF wrestling back then too... maybe figuring out that that was all a big show helped? I definitely believed in it as a kid, even though my dad groaned and rolled his eyes whenever I watched it.
Figuring that out is the same, on a lower level. I used to follow the Operation Chanology stuff against Scientology too... I think that's the same conspiracy, just at a lower more obvious level.
I guess if it can happen in "sports", and in "religion" why can't it happen in "government" or "media"?
I'm a curious person though, so I'm willing to take a look at these weird theories and consider them. Seems like many people are not.
I wonder what makes people more susceptible to "waking up"?
It was never really that surprising to me. Seeing the early 9/11 stuff was a shocker, but I pretty much already thought everything was screwed up
I had long hair and black clothes in high school (metal t-shirts and black jeans, typically) and was asked by my teachers if I was the next Columbine shooter.
I attended a nearby high school at the time. I played Doom and other FPSs all the time back then, and had tickets to the Marilyn Manson show that got cancelled after the shooting. I had a big stack of KMFDM cds.
I already got in trouble whenever we had a standardized tests for getting really high scores. "You're in the 99th percentile of the whole school you know? Why aren't your grades better??" "Uh, because the classes are boring and I don't care about them." "What??? You must be on drugs!"
The valedictorian was of average intelligence at best, but was really good at doing what she was told. Not stupid by any means, but that goth kid over in the corner could have a deeper conversation with you than her any time of the day. He's failing all his classes! So, I knew the system was screwed up. The smart people have all kinds of problems while the order followers succeed.
I thought we went to school to get smarter??
Anyway, 9/11 was still a shock but I guess it wasn't that difficult for me to accept that this manipulation was going on, since I'd seen a bit of it with the Columbine stuff. I liked WWF wrestling back then too... maybe figuring out that that was all a big show helped? I definitely believed in it as a kid, even though my dad groaned and rolled his eyes whenever I watched it.
Figuring that out is the same, on a lower level. I used to follow the Operation Chanology stuff against Scientology too... I think that's the same conspiracy, just at a lower more obvious level.
I guess if it can happen in "sports", and in "religion" why can't it happen in "government" or "media"?
I'm a curious person though, so I'm willing to take a look at these weird theories and consider them. Seems like many people are not.