Catherine Austin Fitts A Sea Of Lies. Del Bigtree
Nobody understands the big picture, like Catherine Austin Fitts and she is brought on at about 6 minutes. By 45 minutes, she's finished explaining how Covid-19 and the vaccinations fit into the big plan for the reset. It's a coup! The fake pandemic covers up for the thefts and dominance over our lives and the conversion to a totalitarian dictatorship. The bankers don't need Congress any more and neither do we, because they don't represent us. You must watch this video, because nobody else tells the story with as much sense. People complain about this or that, but few see the big picture and so I recommend this video to you all. Thanks for watching!
Anyone who doesn't look at the whole virus/pandemic through an economic and financial lense is not seeing the real picture. That's why there is no point in getting lost in the weeds of masks etc.
Good comment.
I would disagree about the weeds of masks and stuff. The driver behind this system is clear and known. Now we can understand how to bring it down. Take away the money. Take away the support. As said: Feed the beast.
The effect will be shown over time.
For now, there is still some drastic idiots to deal with on a daily basis. And knowing how to deal with that is important.
I regard it as a two step approach
Fitts is the Schiznitt! It's all really quite simple...what's happening in a nutshell is a massive wealth transfer via theft and graft to the rich before the house of cards implodes. Hard assets are being Hoovered up with fiat funny money. This has of course happened many times before via staged events such as the DOT-Com bubble, the 2008 meltdown, etc., but this time it's the final grandiose fleecing. The scamdemic and everything else going on is just a smoke screen.
She is a smart lady.
From a bit after the 34 mark -
Simple, small things we can all do to STOP funding the enemy & STOP building our own prison:
Awesome video!! Thanks !