Is the Military still in the control of Trump and the Patriots?
Personally, at this point I'm starting to think the Afghanistan Government was a CIA-owned hellhole and the Taliban are justified in taking it back from Globalists. What's worse? CIA-owned Government (a la North Korea) or Taliban Sharia Law?
Thus far, the Taliban's statements don't seem too openly hostile, so I've reset my "these here are the bad guys" meter to zero for the moment.
Either way, whether or not Trump and the Patriots are pulling off a band aide, running out of the room, and them blaming it on Biden and the Cabal or Biden did factually just hand an entire country over to an extremist group to restart Middle East conflicts, I'm neutral with the events currently transpiring.
It is strange though, just up and leaving like that and giving the Taliban all our top-tier tech. Eh, what?
Something else is going on here.
If Trump and the Patriots did just set Biden up for failure, I'm inclined to believe his arrangements with the Taliban were prep for this week's events. That the MSM is holding NOTHING back to lambast the Taliban as super-violent savages who are beheading everyone despite not showing any video or pictures of said violent acts is bizarre.
Anyway... I'm gonna continue to hold my tongue on whether or not the Taliban or the Afghanistan Shell of a Government are the bad guys here.
If you really want to go down some rabbit holes, I wouldn't be surprised if Putin's boys are in charge of the takeover. Everyone assumes the trigger-disciplined boys in the photo ops are CIA trained... What if they are Rusky trained? All according to plan? Or am I in fantasy land here?
IMO, it's never been all or nothing, it's all compartmentalized.
you follow orders, you are told what to do by your superiors and you do it.
if, for the moment, the people in control are taking a neutral stance and waiting for a signal... then at anytime the leaders can make the decision to envoke war codes chapter 11 and the military shifts roles to that mission.
it's why mockingbird made such a big deal about myanmar... they know this would be the exact thing that comes for them someday.
"military is in control" could easily mean that there are pieces on the table which ensures the military's involvement in taking the cabal down.
this makes sense if you follow the "trap" theory which essentially involves conducting the largest counter-surveillance op in history, which spent most of trumps term collecting data and setting up mouse traps all over the house.
i'm operating under that assumption till i can prove it wrong.
these people are in a LOT of trouble if even half of what we think is going on... is going on.
assume "we have it all" is your clue that we have so much evidence on these people that at least a few branches of the military have been covertly running a giant sting op on the entire network... setting up the biggest RICO bust in history.
the closer we get to game over, the more these people are in an absolute pants shitting panic lashing out like reactionary retards making one blunder after another.
i also think the acceleration at which they are pushing these agendas is a clear sign that they need to do as much damage on their way out the door as possible... so the closer we get to the end the more destructive their policies have become.
all the signs i'm seeing point to at least one branch (probably multiples) has been running a covert op/troll job on the elites... getting them to act and react in ways which further implicate them all along the way.
if they truly "have it all" it's highly possible that they have proof biden just allowed kabul to happen to arm the taliban...
the amount of things we may have proof of is probably top tier head fuckery.
the things they have admitted to are insane enough... from mockingbird to the LSD cult/prostitution stuff to mkultra... false flags? "terror attacks"?
what we don't know would probably freak people the fuck out...