A new theory about Afghanistan!
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
We all know that [DS] was shitting bricks when Lindell claimed he had the PCAPs. Only got even more panicky when he started showing real numbers on the first day.
Add to this the chatter that Trump would be back on Aug 13th. I think even [DS] started believing the narrative. So what did they do? They needed a spectacular failure immediately after Trump comes back. So did they start evacuating Afghanistan in a hurry? Perhaps in their hurry to make Trump look completely out of control, they pinned the tail of the donkey on the Resident ?
Trump is going by the book. I.E. the Bible.
It could mean he is following the time and the season. In other words, a moving date.
You can't prepare to run on a date that hasn't been declared yet. But when the signal is given, the guys chasing the runners will know exactly when to act.
Once the corn starts to be harvested, the Military will act. The Cabal cannot possibly prepare for the assault, as the date isn't even known to the Military.
It's the only way to catch them off guard. And it is Biblical, as we will have put it all "On God's Time"
You can plant a seed, but only God can tell it to grow.