Every thing else is a Disinformation Distraction. Remember TREASON is the END of the Cabal and their MSM loudspeakers will burn Our World down to Stop the Audit therefore ....AUDIT is the ONLY News!
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I would say the audit is the MOST important news. There is other news, and I'd say most people here can keep their eyes and ears on more than one thing at a time, but I understand your sentiment.
The audit news this week is the AZ senate has created a committee to review the draft, before they will release it publicly.
Maybe there will be real audit news next week.
There is also the results of Lindell’s cyber symposium which proves he is sitting on voting machine data from the 2020 election
Lindel lroved he had nothing. No pcaps, not much of anything.
Want to know how I know you didn't watch?
Why do you say he has nothing? All of the cyber experts there agreed his data was from the 2020 election.
Luckily he didn’t get as far as giving all of the pcaps to the red team since Josh Merritt was poised to steal and poison pill the info.
Stop parroting your fake news sources.
It was all over the place last week that the red team did not get to see these ‘pcaps’ which is the evidence. The symposium just showed state by state ‘results’ without the underlying evidence (captured pcaps). I know the election was cheated. You know the election was cheated. But we need this hard evidence which seemed to evaporate into thin air.
bad movie
When does the audit finally get released?
Nobody knows
So what's the latest audit news? Anything official released to the public?
This audit is the distraction. For 6 months we’ll see the preliminary report next week. Definition of limited hangout. I hope one day we see the results, but I’m not actually sure there’s a real audit going on. Remember we’re watching a movie.
Adults are more than capable of entertaining multiple sources of stimulation and information at the same time. I'm tired of every 3rd post being "IgNoRe ThE nOiSe!!1!" Quit sliding the forum, punkass.
Waiting for the alien invasion to be deployed. I think that will be their last "hail Mary" play before the big checkmate.
It ain't much of a news until they actually, you know...show us the results and take action accordingly. After months of hearing about how X event will be the REAL turning point, I have gotten weary of this weird little game. If you want to have our attention, you need to deliver. We've never tried this before, so who knows what will happen. Is there a backup plan for when the msm and big tech inevitably silence all news of this? You can't do the same thing over and over again and expect different results, right? They shut up about the Hunter laptop stuff, they shut up about the ivermectic India stuff. Why are we expecting any different now? At this point the onus is on the people who hype this up to actually show us that it will lead to action.
I will be watching what happens with this audit, but I think people in this community are out of touch with what the normies are thinking. We can tell ourselves that we have all the evidence and can explain within our groups the whole process of how the election was stolen, but from the normie perspective, they don't know anything about this, and they are sure as hell not watching that symposium thing. And why would they, when they can just google what the news is saying about it? Is there anyone who didn't believe in election fraud before, who believes it now because of the symposium?
And I'm concerned about this whole idea of "show the people" because it implies that we have to purposely let things go bad and cause harm to people on the faint hope that they might do the necessary introspection to then change their minds. What if we go through all that but they don't change their minds? If the MSM is out there, allowed to spin the narrative, then why does it matter that we "show the people" when the corrupt media can always rationalize about how it still doesn't prove us right? I mean, how bad does it have to get at this point? Do we need to go through the entire 4 years of Biden's term? If that is the case, what is the point of even having white hats around when they aren't going to come in and fix things? Why not just drop the whole election fraud argument and tell the lie that Biden won fairly. Think about it, what's the difference? In an actual Biden presidency, isn't what is happening now also going to happen in that scenario? If it's going to redpill people in scenario A) where half the population believes in election fraud, but the other half doesn't, then shouldn't it also redpill people in scenario B), where nobody believes in election fraud. If it works in one scenario, then the natural redpilling process should also work in the other, no?
I admit that I do not have a proper understanding of the thought process of the white hats, and that's because so much is kept even from us, that we have to question everything. And it certainly doesn't help, that Flynn and Lindell and others are saying with a straight face that the military is not coming to help us and if they do, it will not be a good thing. Really? I get it, optics and all that, but come on. If this is not worth having the military come in and arrest Biden, then what is? Do we need to wait for him to commit another crime against humanity? Why can't we get him for the crimes him and his ilk have already committed, or are the children not worth any justice?
I don't speak for the rest of this community, but my line in the sand is this: no harm to good people. I have been very adamant about that. I keep telling myself that Trump is referring to something else instead of the vaccine, maybe it's medbeds or something, but as the days go on, I can only believe that to a certain point. I need tangible action. Not something that you read on an unsourced facebook or telegram screenshot, but an actual event that we all see happen with our own eyes that tell us that this farce is coming to an end. I find it scary how people have rationalized the idea of mass deaths (because of the vaccine or something else) because that is what will wake people up. For fuck's sake, we're supposed to stop this kind of crap, not let it happen. If this really is the plan, you can never justify this to me. I will never be convinced that this is a good thing. People have suffered enough as it is, their lives are not to be played with. It isn't just liberals who took the shot. And even if it was, there's still no justification to let it happen.
These are my honest thoughts. I can go along with the fake Biden presidency to a certain point, but if it makes no difference and provides no action, then I can only go so far. Trust goes both ways.
Afghanistan is a decently big deal but yes, the audits are the most IMPORTANT news.