A black swan event, a phrase commonly used in the world of finance, is an extremely negative event or occurrence that is impossibly difficult to predict. In other words, black swan events are events that are unexpected and unknowable. The term was popularized by former Wall Street trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who wrote about the concept in his 2001 book Fooled by Randomness.
Yeah, by all but the most secretive of swampy fucks behind the scenes who crash or manipulate markets on purpose.
Using the term "Black Swan" in this definitive sense makes the incorrect correlation with both randomness and unexpectedness. Even the Great Depression was an engineered event.
S-M-R-T, although that amount is relative chump change vs. their market cap. May be more for emergency liquidity than as an impact investment. Either way, interdasting.
can someone fill me in on the meaning of a "black swan event"?
What is a Black Swan Event?
A black swan event, a phrase commonly used in the world of finance, is an extremely negative event or occurrence that is impossibly difficult to predict. In other words, black swan events are events that are unexpected and unknowable. The term was popularized by former Wall Street trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who wrote about the concept in his 2001 book Fooled by Randomness.
"Unexpected and unknowable"
Yeah, by all but the most secretive of swampy fucks behind the scenes who crash or manipulate markets on purpose.
Using the term "Black Swan" in this definitive sense makes the incorrect correlation with both randomness and unexpectedness. Even the Great Depression was an engineered event.
At the present time, the true black swans are the GME hodlers, kek!
Markets death, the worse crash ever seen that basically will trigger the great reset, and then BR and VG wholesale buybacks etc
S-M-R-T, although that amount is relative chump change vs. their market cap. May be more for emergency liquidity than as an impact investment. Either way, interdasting.
I bet these are the same people that push the narrative that buying gold is a scam.