Oh noes! Now they got a whole fleet of them inflatable planes, getting ready to stage a balloon plane invasion! (but oh-ho, check this out - the ding-a-lings forgot to put engines on one of these🤣) If I didn't have photographic evidence, I could never believe this myself. But it's obviously real!

I'm so fucking tempted to sticky this... fuck it. Just for a second.
Jesus, the "inflatable plane" thing so goddamned effing stupid, I can't even
I now wish I had spent more than 3 minutes making those shitty, fat, blobby planes. 😆
No way, pede—that would have involved more thought than actually went into that stupid theory KEK
Yeah. But fat planes iz funny, and the fat funny planes maybe deserved a leeetle better from me. 🤷♂️
We have some certified retards here...
But I love them all.
Oh, how I would gather them under my wing
Sorry cats don't want to clog your inbox.. I know it's tagged as shitpost but flairing this seems like forum sliding and is really unclear what the message is without a context
It relates to our FUN is also forum FORTIFYING